8 Weather Idioms and Phrases with Examples [Image]


weather idioms

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1. Raining cats and dogs
pouring, raining very heavily

  • Where are you going, can’t you see it’s raining cats and dogs? You’ll get soaked in a minute if you go out now.
  • They didn’t go to the theme park because it was raining cats and dogs almost all day.


2. Face like thunder
being clearly very angry or upset

  • I don’t know what was happening, I just saw that a man with a face like thunder was chasing a little boy out of the grocer’s shop.
  • She didn’t say anything but her face was like thunder; she slammed the door as she left, and we haven’t seen her ever since.


3. Storm in a teacup
exaggerating a problem, anger or worry about something unimportant

  • Their debate was only a storm in a teacup – actually neither of them took the problem too serious.
  • The reports about the demonstration are a storm in a teacup – there wasn’t as much violence there as they say.


4. Chase rainbows
waste time trying to achieve something impossible

  • My wife never believed I would make it as an executive manager; she always thought I was just chasing rainbows.
  • Can’t you see you’re only chasing rainbows? There’s no way to get this girl marry you.

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5. Lightning fast
extremely fast

  • I don’t think we can keep up with him, he’s got a lightning fast bike.
  • The robbery lasted only a minute, and then the robbers disappeared in a lightning fast car.


6. Head in the clouds
having unrealistic or impractical ideas, daydreaming

  • Is your sister in love? I see her walking around all day with her head in the clouds.
  • You have your head in the clouds if you think Mary will come to your birthday party after the nasty things you’ve done to her.


7. Snowed under
having too much to do

  • I’d love to help you, but I’m completely snowed under at the moment.
  • Could you come over and fix the tap in the bathroom? But of course, only if you aren’t snowed under, it’s not so urgent.


8. Under the weather
ill, sick, feeling unwell, sad or lacking energy

  • Do you mind if I stay out of work today? I’m feeling under the weather, I may have the flu.
  • I heard you were ill yesterday. Are you feeling better now or are you still under the weather?

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