What does rehearse mean?


What does rehearse mean?

To rehearse means to practice something so you can be prepared.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, rehearse means “to say again” or “repeat.”

Rehearse is used many times when speaking about putting on a performance. For example, you might say “I am going to rehearse my singing” or “It is time for you to rehearse the play.”

When someone rehearses something, they are taking part in a rehearsal. One type of rehearsal is a dress rehearsal. This is when a group of actors and/or singers will prepare for their act by performing in the clothing they would wear for the ultimate performance. ‘Dress rehearsal’ used in a sentence is “She put on a beautiful skirt for the dress rehearsal.”

To rehearse something is to practice doing something or prepare something in order to improve the action.


For example, talented pianists may rehearse a piece of music many times until they are satisfied with it before they feel comfortable to play it in front of an audience.


You often see actors and actresses run through their lines before they go on stage, they are rehearsing the scene before they have to perform it before the audience. As professionals, they want to practice their lines as many times as possible so they can give an excellent performance each time.


Artists are not the only people that have to rehearse, many businessmen and women rehearse what they are going to say in a presentation, in a job interview, when making small talk or making new contacts.


Sometimes people like to rehearse in their head, other times people like to speak out loud and hear what they’re saying. Rehearsing is essential if a person wants to perfect a certain skill or talent.


Here are a few examples of rehearse being used:

    • Before any interview, I try to predict questions the interviewee may ask and rehearse answering these questions. This really helps me to relax as it calms me down.


    • The students had to make a presentation on Friday, the team leader advised each member of the group to rehearse their part of the presentation to make sure they were familiar with the structure and content.


    • Each musician that was part of the orchestra was told to spend at least three hours rehearsing every day before the big performance at the end of the year.


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