What is the longest word in English?


What is the longest word in English?

It’s disputed what the longest word in English is, since different people will have different criteria for what is considered a word in the first place.

In English, as it is in many languages, it’s possible to create long technical terms by continually building roots, prefixes, and suffixes on top of each other.

I’ll give you three well-known examples for what the longest English word might be.

The first is the chemical name of titin, which Wikipedia calls “the largest known protein.” You can look up the actual name if you want.

The reason I won’t write it is because it contains 189,819 letters! However, the word is not officially in the dictionary.


Meanwhile, the longest nontechnical word that hasn’t been specifically coined by someone is


which refers to “a political position that originated in 19th century Britain” (to cite Wikipedia again). If you break the word down, you can see its components: anti- (against), dis- (negation), establish, -ment (noun ending), -arian (denotes a political position), -ism (denotes a political movement).


This, however, is not the longest word found in a major dictionary. That would be


another name for the disease silicosis. In fact, it was specifically coined to be the longest word in the English language, and the Oxford English Dictionary published it, making it so. There’s some fun trivia!

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