Difference between My father name is (or) My father’s name is


May I know what is the difference between My father name is (or) my father’s name is?

Which one is it correct? Could you illustrate something please?

Why we should not say my father name is?

Why we add “s” with father???

When you introduce yourself to someone this is what you say:

  • My name is John Smith.

The word “My” shows that, in this sentence, the name “John Smith” belongs to you. You don’t say: I name is John Smith. That’s not correct. The word “I” is changed to “My” to express possession.

Look at the following sentence:

  • Her name is Mila Kunis.

In this sentence, the word “Her” shows that the name belongs to Mila. You cannot say: She name is Mila Kunis. The word “She” is changed to “Her” to express possession.

When using the pronouns I, you, he/she/it, we, they, the possessive forms are my, your, his/her/its, our, their.

When using names (or other words) to refer to a person, we use ‘s to express possession:

  • Susan’s surname is Sarandon.
  • Peter’s middle-name is Chris.
  • My teacher’s name is Anastasia.
  • Her husband’s name is Jack.
  • My father’s name is Sean.

In the above examples, the apostrophe+s show who the names belong to. When you say “My father”, you must add ‘s to express that the name belongs to him.

Of course, ‘s is also used for other things as well, not just names:

  • Susan’s bag is pink.
  • Peter’s dog is enormous.
  • My teacher’s lessons are interesting.
  • Her husband’s job is exciting.
  • My father’s hobbies are gardening and fishing.

This is called the possessive ‘s. To learn more about it, read What are possessive nouns, and how do we use possessive’s?

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