How to use Inhaler?


People who have trouble breathing due to asthma or other respiratory issues may need to use an inhaler but this should be prescribed by a medical professional after the patient has been diagnosed with any kind respiratory problem.


An inhaler is used to pass medicine to a person’s lungs through their mouth. The medicine is stored in a pressurised canister inside the inhaler. There are different types of inhalers but the metered-dose inhaler is often used to treat asthma and other respiratory illnesses.


Before you use the inhaler, you should shake it and check for dust or debris around the mouthpiece. Then, you need to lift your head up and breathe out, emptying your lungs. Put the mouthpiece between your lips and press down on the inhaler, this will release the medicine from the canister into your mouth and lungs.


Once you’ve pressed the inhaler, you should breathe in slowly for up to 5 seconds, then hold your breath around 10 seconds. This ensures that the medicine travels all the way to your lungs.


Usually, your doctor will recommend a certain amount of times you should use the inhaler per day. If the doctor says to take two ‘puffs’ at a time, wait at least one minute between each ‘puff’.

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