Let assume I want to ask someone for a favor. So I would ask: I would be grateful if you… It will be the second condition? Why?


Your Question:

Hi Anastasia. I have one question. It is somehow confusing for me. Let assume I want to ask someone for a favor. So I would ask: I would be grateful if you… It will be the second condition? Why? it isn’t unreal I will be grateful. Can you pls explain it in plain words?

My Answer:

Will be grateful or would be grateful

Choosing between would or will be grateful depends on how you start the sentence. Both are correct, so no worries there. It’s just a matter of making sure that every part of the request is in the same form. 

If you choose to talk in a speculative manner by using could and would, you have to use that form in every part. EXAMPLE: “Could you do me a favor? I would be really grateful if you could get my car from the garage.” Everything is speculative, meaning that you are giving the person the possibility. This is a more polite way of asking.

The second option is the affirmative stance using can and will.

  • EXAMPLE: “Can I ask you for a favor? I will be really grateful if you can talk to Gina in accounting for me.”

This is a more assertive tone and is often used with people you have already a good relationship with. You would use this with people you have asked favors from before. 

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