List of 100 Nursing phrases

  1. Vital signs – Measurements of a patient’s body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rate.
  2. Patient assessment – A comprehensive evaluation of a patient’s physical and mental health.
  3. Medication administration – The process of giving medications to patients according to their prescribed dose and schedule.
  4. Patient education – Providing patients with information on how to manage their condition and maintain their health.
  5. Wound care – The management and treatment of wounds to promote healing and prevent infection.
  6. Intravenous therapy – The administration of medications and fluids directly into a patient’s bloodstream.
  7. Respiratory therapy – The treatment and management of respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pneumonia.
  8. Health promotion – Activities and interventions aimed at improving and maintaining a patient’s overall health.
  9. Pain management – The treatment and management of pain through medications, therapies, and other interventions.
  10. Nutrition management – The assessment and management of a patient’s nutritional needs and requirements.
  11. Infection control – Preventing and managing the spread of infectious diseases in healthcare settings.
  12. Care plan – A detailed plan of care for a patient that outlines their treatment and management goals.
  13. Patient safety – Ensuring the safety and well-being of patients through measures such as fall prevention and infection control.
  14. Medical history – A record of a patient’s past and current medical conditions, treatments, and medications.
  15. Nursing diagnosis – A clinical judgment made by a nurse about a patient’s health status and response to treatment.
  16. Patient advocacy – Supporting and advocating for patients to ensure they receive quality care and treatment.
  17. Geriatric care – Specialized care and treatment for elderly patients.
  18. Rehabilitation therapy – The management and treatment of conditions that affect mobility, strength, and function.
  19. Care coordination – Coordinating and integrating care across different healthcare providers and settings.
  20. Clinical documentation – Recording and documenting a patient’s medical history, treatment, and progress.
  21. Patient-centered care – Care that is focused on meeting the individual needs and preferences of each patient.
  22. Family education – Providing education and support to a patient’s family or caregiver.
  23. Discharge planning – Planning and coordinating a patient’s transition from the hospital or healthcare facility to home or another setting.
  24. Patient monitoring – Continuously monitoring a patient’s condition and response to treatment.
  25. Chronic disease management – The management and treatment of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and COPD.
  26. Palliative care – Care and support for patients with serious illnesses and conditions to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
  27. Cardiac care – Specialized care and treatment for patients with heart conditions.
  28. Surgical care – Pre-operative and post-operative care for patients undergoing surgical procedures.
  29. Emergency care – Rapid assessment and treatment of patients with acute conditions and injuries.
  30. Obstetric care – Prenatal and postpartum care for pregnant women.
  31. Neonatal care – Specialized care and treatment for newborns and premature infants.
  32. Pediatric care – Specialized care and treatment for children.
  33. Oncology care – Care and treatment for patients with cancer.
  34. Hospice care – End-of-life care and support for patients with terminal illnesses.
  35. Rehabilitation nursing – Nursing care and support for patients undergoing rehabilitation therapy.
  36. Mental health nursing – Nursing care and support for patients with mental health conditions.
  37. Community health nursing – Nursing care and support for patients in the community.
  38. Home health nursing – Nursing care and support for patients in their home.
  39. Pain assessment – Evaluating and assessing a patient’s level of pain.
  40. Oxygen therapy – The administration of supplemental oxygen to patients who are experiencing difficulty breathing or have low oxygen levels.
  41. Assisted living – Providing care and support for patients who require assistance with daily activities.
  42. Inpatient care – Care and treatment provided to patients who require hospitalization.
  43. Outpatient care – Care and treatment provided to patients who do not require hospitalization.
  44. Patient satisfaction – Ensuring patients are satisfied with their care and treatment experience.
  45. Ethics in nursing – Upholding ethical principles and values in nursing practice.
  46. End-of-life care – Care and support for patients nearing the end of their life.
  47. Spiritual care – Providing support and care for a patient’s spiritual and religious needs.
  48. Complementary therapies – Therapies that are used in addition to traditional medical treatments, such as acupuncture or massage therapy.
  49. Infection prevention – Preventing the spread of infections in healthcare settings.
  50. Patient positioning – Positioning patients to promote comfort and prevent complications.
  51. Patient transfer – Moving patients from one location to another within a healthcare facility.
  52. Catheterization – Inserting a catheter to drain urine from the bladder.
  53. Restraint use – Using physical restraints to prevent patient harm or injury.
  54. Pain medication – Medications used to manage and treat pain.
  55. Nutritional supplements – Supplements and fortified foods used to meet a patient’s nutritional needs.
  56. Patient hygiene – Promoting hygiene and cleanliness to prevent infection and promote comfort.
  57. Fall prevention – Implementing measures to prevent patient falls and injuries.
  58. Informed consent – Obtaining a patient’s consent for treatment or procedures after providing information on risks and benefits.
  59. Patient rights – Ensuring patients are aware of their rights and are treated with dignity and respect.
  60. Skin care – Managing and treating skin conditions and preventing pressure ulcers.
  61. Medication reconciliation – Ensuring patients receive the correct medications by reconciling medication lists across providers and settings.
  62. Intraoperative care – Care and management of patients during surgical procedures.
  63. Post-anesthesia care – Care and monitoring of patients after surgical procedures and anesthesia.
  64. Respiratory assessment – Assessing a patient’s respiratory status and function.
  65. Airway management – Maintaining and managing a patient’s airway to promote breathing and oxygenation.
  66. Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis – Testing and analysis of a patient’s blood to assess respiratory and metabolic status.
  67. Tracheostomy care – Care and management of a tracheostomy tube used to maintain a patient’s airway.
  68. Chest tube management – Care and management of a chest tube used to drain fluid or air from the chest.
  69. Hemodynamic monitoring – Monitoring and assessing a patient’s cardiovascular status and function.
  70. Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) monitoring – Monitoring a patient’s heart rhythm and function.
  71. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) – Life-saving interventions used to restore breathing and circulation during cardiac arrest.
  72. Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) – Advanced interventions used to manage cardiac arrest and other life-threatening emergencies.
  73. Pediatric advanced life support (PALS) – Advanced interventions used to manage life-threatening emergencies in children.
  74. Neonatal resuscitation – Life-saving interventions used to restore breathing and circulation in newborns.
  75. Chest compressions – Manual compressions used during CPR to restore circulation.
  76. Defibrillation – Electric shock used to restore normal heart rhythm during cardiac arrest.
  77. Medication titration – Adjusting medication doses based on patient response and assessment.
  78. Medication side effects – Monitoring and managing side effects of medications.
  79. Medication interactions – Assessing for potential interactions between medications a patient is taking.
  80. Patient education – Providing patients with information and resources to help them manage their health and treatment.
  81. Family education – Providing family members with information and resources to help them support their loved one’s health and treatment.
  82. Discharge planning – Planning for a patient’s transition from the hospital or healthcare facility to their home or another care setting.
  83. Case management – Coordinating and managing a patient’s care across different healthcare providers and settings.
  84. Health promotion – Promoting healthy behaviors and lifestyles to prevent illness and improve health outcomes.
  85. Wound care – Management and treatment of wounds to promote healing and prevent infection.
  86. Ostomy care – Management and care of a surgically created opening in the body for the elimination of waste.
  87. Rehabilitation – Helping patients recover and regain function after an illness, injury, or surgery.
  88. Patient safety – Ensuring patients are safe from harm or injury during their healthcare experience.
  89. Quality improvement – Implementing strategies to improve the quality and effectiveness of healthcare services.
  90. Professional development – Continuing education and development to improve nursing practice and knowledge.
  91. Telehealth – Providing healthcare services remotely using technology and digital communication.
  92. Electronic health records (EHR) – Digital records of a patient’s health information and medical history.
  93. Medication administration – Safe and accurate administration of medications to patients.
  94. Pain management – Managing and treating pain to promote comfort and quality of life for patients.
  95. Vital signs monitoring – Regular monitoring and assessment of a patient’s vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and temperature.
  96. Patient assessment – Comprehensive assessment of a patient’s physical, emotional, and social health to guide care and treatment.
  97. Medication reconciliation – Ensuring patients receive the correct medications by reconciling medication lists across providers and settings.
  98. Healthcare informatics – Using technology and data to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes.
  99. Evidence-based practice – Using current research and evidence to guide nursing practice and decision-making.
  100. Interprofessional collaboration – Collaborating with healthcare professionals from different disciplines to provide comprehensive and effective care to patients.

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