Phrasal verbs with Escaped


Escape from: to run away from something

  • The boy just barely escaped from the tiger who was chasing him.

Escape to: to run away towards something

  • The boy escaped to his mother’s house after he felt unsafe at his friend’s home.

Escape the notice of: to avoid the attention or notice of someone or a group of people

  • Liam escaped the notice of his supervisors when he stole the secret files and sold them to the competing company.

Escape the bear and fall to the lion: idiomatic expression meaning to avoid a bad situation only to fall into another bad situation

  • Polly was ecstatic when she found out she would not lose her job. Unfortunately, she escaped the bear and fell to the lion because her boyfriend decided to break up with her.

Escape narrowly: to avoid something just barely

  • Kent narrowly escaped having to fill out the paperwork for his project by submitting his request the day before the filing rules changed.

Escape justice: to avoid being caught after doing something bad, often illegal

  • Brian managed to escape justice for two years, but the law eventually caught up to him when he made a mistake.

Escape police: to avoid being caught by the police or other law enforcement individuals

  • If you do something illegal, you had better to prepared to escape the policy for a long time or face jail time.
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