What are you thankful for?


question answer

I am thankful for the the web site that is helpful to look up my English.

Best Regards and thank you again.

I have a lot to be thankful for this year! A lot has happened, and most of the changes have been for the better.

  1. My Family: Even though I do not live near them, they have been a great support for me when I needed them! Especially my mom, so I am very thankful for her.
  2. My English Teacher: This has been an awesome place to get to know both English teachers and learners and to help bridge the existing language barrier between more and more people.
  3. Online shopping: Especially in the cold weather, being able to buy things from the comfort of my own bed is amazing. And super useful, so I don’t have to go outside and freeze!
  4. Time to travel: I love traveling and was able to go to different cities in China and Vietnam this year! I am definitely looking forward to more travel next year!

I hope to do more shopping online and traveling next year, and look forward to spending more time with my family and on MET!

Thank you vs Anytime 

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