Fewer – Less – More Examples


destination, objective, goal, journey's end, stopping place, terminus, target, landing place

Fewer is the comparative of few (used with countable, plural nouns).
Less is the comparative of little (mostly used before uncountable, singular nouns).


  • A receptionist would make less money than a director.
  • We used to go to the seaside every weekend, but now we have less time.
  • There were fewer eggs in the fridge than we had hoped.
  • I have fewer books than my grandfather.

Less may also be used before plural nouns in an informal style, although this is not typical:

  • These days I’ve got less/fewer problems than I used to have.

Less and fewer are used with the preposition OF before determiners (such as the, my, this) and pronouns.

  • I wish my wife spent less of her money on expensive clothes.
  • There are fewer of us at the college reunions each year.
  • Fewer of the interviewees were wearing ties than we’d expected.
  • Do you still drink a lot of alcohol? – No, I drink less of it nowadays.

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Of is not used before nouns without determiners.

  • If you want to lose weight, you should eat less chocolate and bread.
  • Fewer people have strictly healthy diets these days.
  • Peter has fewer friends than his brother.
  • I don’t think less time would’ve made him change his mind about leaving.

Less and fewer can stand on their own, that is without a noun, if the meaning is clear or as indefinite pronouns.

  • People do still go to church, but fewer/less than 50 years ago.
  • If you work less, you will earn less.
  • Have you got at least a kilo of apples? – No, we’ve got fewer/less.
  • Unfortunately, I sleep less than I should.

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On the flip side….

More is the opposite of ‘fewer’ and ‘less’ and can be used in quite a few different ways.

The comparative form: more is usually used with adjectives that have more than one syllable (except for adjectives ending in -y) to express that there is more of a particular quality.


  • My sister is more talented than me.
  • Her outfit was more extravagant than what the hostess was wearing!

The determiner (more+noun): when more is used before a noun it acts as a determiner to state that there is more of something. Generally, the preposition ‘of’ is not used in this structure.


  • She has more children than any of her friends.
  • I always have more homework to do than my siblings. 

The lonely one: more can be used on its own if the context that it is being used in has already been established and is clear to the listener.


  • Can I have some more please? (A child asking his mother for more of what is already in his cup)
  • I would like to have more but I think it’s too soon right now. (A couple talking about having more children)

The one with numbers (number+more+noun+infinitive): A number followed by more and used with a noun and an infinitive defines the quantity of a task that remains to be completed. Please note that in this structure, ‘more’ can sometimes be replaced by ‘another’.


  • I have to write two more articles before Wednesday next week.
  • I would like to place just one more bet!
  • Could I have one more/another glass of juice please?

The one with OF (more of+determiner+noun): ‘More of’ is usually used with articles and other determiners when talking about something in particular, which can be about people or objects.


  • He’s more of a ‘mummy’s boy’ than I thought!
  • This computer seems to be more of a problem than a solution!
  • I’ll have more of the delicious red wine you gave me yesterday please.

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The adverb: more can be used as an adverb to describe an increase in an action or feeling.


  • She looks more beautiful every day.
  • This house feels more suffocating every time I step inside.
  • I like her more every/each time I see her.

The double-more: the comparative phrase ‘more and more’ before an adjective is used to state that someone or something is increasingly becoming a certain way. In other words, if you’re trying to say there is a growing tendency towards something, then use the phrase ‘more and more’.


  • I feel more and more comfortable in this neighbourhood every time we meet new friendly people.
  • She’s getting more and more nervous as her wedding day approaches.
  • It is becoming more and more difficult to live without a smartphone.
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