Is TO an article, preposition or infinitive?



“To” is a preposition of place. Prepositions are words which explain the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and another word or phrase. The preposition “to is most commonly paid with a verb and expresses direction or movement. Here are some examples.

  • John went to Starbucks for a coffee.
    (direction of movement)
  • Let’s listen to the new Macklemore CD.
    (direction of attention)
  • Smith drives to work every day.
    (direction of movement)

“To” is also used as part of the full infinitive. To-infinitives use the preposition to and the base verb. Infinitives are most commonly used to express an action which comes AFTER the main verb. For example:

  • I want to go out for dinner tonight.
    (here the main verb is want. What we want is to go out.)
  • I must remember to clean my car this weekend.
    (the main verb is “remember”. What we will remember is to clean the car.)


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