Prepositions IN/ON/AT with words like Playground – Field – Beach


at in on

Use ‘IN’ when talking about enclosed places.
So, if it is a playground (with swings and slides) enclosed by a fence:

  • We spent all morning IN the playground.

The same goes for field: if it is an enclosed one, you can say IN the field, However,


ON the playground and ON the field are both correct

when talking about the SURFACE:

  • I found this watch on the playground.


when the places are OPEN (not enclosed/defined):

  • The kids were running on the playground.


AT’ means something like ‘very near’ or ‘next to’:

  • Let’s meet AT the playground.

(You don’t have to go inside, but have to be there, very near, so that I can see you if I look at the playground from a distance)

Regarding the BEACH,
because it’s an open area, we never say in the beach. It’s not enclosed, we are on its surface, so the correct form is: ON the beach.


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