How can I write official letters regarding the salary advance, leave application etc.?


email mail letter



Letters within a company function as formal record of your requests and inquiries. Thus formal language should be used and the letters shouldn’t include irrelevant information.

As a general rule, your letter should include the following points:

  1. writer’s name and address, date
  2. recipient’s name and address on the left
  3. Dear Mr / Ms …,
  4. purpose of the letter
  5. details
  6. thanks
  7. closing formula


Read more:
Formal and Informal Email Phrases Starting with Greetings


Let’s see two examples. The expressions you can use in your future correspondence are in bold.



John Smith
50. Oxford Street
London W8 9EX

13 May 2014

Jane Smith
HR Director
Languages Ltd.
51. Oxforsd Street
London W8 9EX


Dear Ms Smith,

This letter is to request approval for a leave of absence / The purpose of this letter is to request a leave of absence from my position with Languages Ltd. from 6 June 2014 through 10 June 2014. I will return to work on 11 June/ I shall report to work on 11 June.

The reason for this request is my English language course examinations. I can provide written documentation from the language school, if necessary. /
I would like to request this leave for medical reasons. I can provide written documentation from my GP/hospital/surgery, if necessary.

During the time I am on leave, my duties will be handled by Judy Simpson (contact details: 02012345/67, judy.simpson at Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Could you inform me whether my request is approved no later than 1 June 2014?

Thank you for your consideration. 

Yours sincerely,




Read more:
7 Simple Examples of Business Email Writing in English





John Smith
50. Oxford Street
London W8 9EX

13 May 2014

Jane Smith
HR Director
Languages Ltd.
51. Oxforsd Street
London W8 9EX


Dear Ms Smith,

This letter is to request a cash advance of five hundred pounds to cover medical bills in my family. / The purpose of this letter is to request advance salary worth five hundred pounds for personal use.

I propose to repay the loan over five months and authorize Languages Ltd. to deduct a sum of one hundred pounds from my monthly salary from June until the advance is fully paid.

Please let me know if you need any additional information. I will be glad to follow any guidelines you suggest.

Thank you for your kind consideration.


Yours sincerely,



I hope the above examples will prove to be useful the next time you need to submit a formal request at your workplace. Let us know if there are other types of letters you would like to learn more about.


Read more:
18 Powerful Websites to Improve Your Writing Skills in English
How to write email for senior management

You can find other useful phrases for emails and letters here:

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