What is the meaning of "may have to be"?


The structure ‘may have to be’ is a combination of two modal verbs:
MAY for probability and HAVE TO for obligation/certainty/necessity.

  • It may be the best website I’ve ever seen. (It possibly is the best website I’ve ever seen.)
  • It has to be the best page to learn English. (It’s the best website I’ve ever seen for sure.)

Use ‘have to’ when you are sure that what you’re saying is true. When you insert ‘may’, it makes your sentence sound more diplomatic and makes your reader think that there may be other pages too that are extremely useful.

  • It may have to be the best website I’ve ever seen..

You can also use ‘might’ the same way:

  • It might have to be the best best website I’ve ever seen.

Some more examples:

  • These points may have to be explained further. (It is possible that it will be necessary to explain these points further.)
  • The houses in the area may have to be demolished. (It is possible that it will be necessary to demolish the houses in this area.)
  • She may have to be fired. (It is possible that it will be necessary to fire her.)
  • I may have to leave. (It is possible that it will be necessary for me to leave. In this example the verb ‘leave’ is used instead of ‘be’)

I hope it makes sense. Feel free to ask if there’s something you don’t understand.

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