How to Remove Hesitation while Speaking English!


How to Remove Hesitation while Speaking English!

First of all, you need to understand the root of the problem. Why are you hesitating?
You might be naturally introverted and feel uncomfortable while interacting with strangers. This means interacting in any language, not only in English. If this should be the case, I’m afraid you’ll just have to accept the fact that this is the way you are and be patient with yourself. Make sure you keep the conversation going by asking the other person some questions, so that you can get to know him or her better. Once you’ve done that, you might feel more at ease in their presence and will be ready to tell them about yourself in return. Don’t worry, they won’t mind you asking them questions. Most people like talking about themselves. Here’s a list of questions to help you break the ice:
What are the best questions to ask to get to know someone?
However, if you’re quite talkative when speaking your mother-tongue and it is only while speaking in English that you find yourself hesitating, there are certain steps you can take to help you overcome this problem.
The fear of making mistakes is the main cause of hesitation, in my experience. We are so used to having to do our best in other areas of our lives (school, work, parenthood) that using correct grammar and vocabulary seems to be the only option we have. Good news is: this is far from the truth. Whenever we speak to someone, our goal is to deliver our message and understand what we are told.
Do you really have to use flawless grammar to communicate effectively? Definitely not.
Does it mean that you will never learn to use the language correctly? Not at all.
You will learn all the correct forms and vocabulary with time. Just stick to it, keep learning and most importantly, keep practising. This takes me to my second point:
No matter how much time you spend studying, you won’t remember much unless you put it into practice. Practice, in our case, means speaking. Speak in English as often as possible. The more often you use a word or grammatical structure, the faster it will come to mind the next time you need it. It’s as easy as that. And I genuinely think, there’s no other way around it. If you have used a word a hundred times, I can guarantee you will not hesitate anymore when having to use it again. It will become part of your active vocabulary. And the same goes for grammar.
So, remember the rules? Keep practising and don’t be afraid of making mistakes- nobody is perfect.
For more practical tips, please visit:
6 Ways to Immediately Improve Your English Communication Skills and Make it Powerful Using the Simplest Tips
I hope you’ve found the above tips useful. Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comment area below.

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