why do we pronounce “f” in enough, but not in although


There are no set rules for ‘gh’ pronunciation.
The reason for the large variety of different sounds lies in the history of England and the English language. The gh’ spelling originate from Anglo-Saxon times when words ending in ‘h’ were pronounced with a harder sound, as seen with the Scottish pronunciation of ‘Loch.’
However, the French invaded England in the 13th century, which had a huge impact on the English language and its spelling. To better represent the “thicker’ h sound, the spelling of many h words was changed to ‘gh’.
Nowadays, there are 7 main sounds for the ough letter grouping.
Here they are with examples
ew – as in “two”

  • through, throughout,

off – as in “off”

  • coughtrough

uff – as in “stuff”

  • enough, rough, tough

oh – as in “no”  

  • dough, though, although

ow – as in “now”

  • bough, drought

u – as only the “u” in “stuff.”

  • borough, thurough

ore – as in “store”

  • bought, brought, sought, thought
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1 year ago

Thorough is spelled incorrectly