Solve problems or Resolve problems


Resolve and solve can be used interchangeably to mean finding a logical solution to a problem or mystery:

  • The council tried to solve/resolve the problem of waste disposal.

However, resolve also implies that the problem has been dealt with conclusively. Once an issue is resolved, there is no need to worry about it any longer:

  • Let’s try to resolve this matter once and for all. It’s time we moved on.
  • Our company aims to resolve problems within three weeks.

The verb resolve has other other meanings as well:

Make a firm decision

  • Clarissa resolved not to tell her parents the truth about Daniel.
  • We resolved on selling the house once the children have moved out.

Decide something by means of a formal vote

  • The committee resolved that a strike would be necessary if the workers wanted to see real change.
  • The conference resolved to send aid to the disaster-stricken areas.

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