She said that she has never been in that house before. OR She said that she had never been in to that house before.


Which sentence is correct?

The correct sentence here is ‘he said that he had never been to that house before.’ If we were talking about a specific room in the house, we would say; ‘he has never been in the kitchen’ but because we’re talking about places we need to use the preposition ‘to’.

This is an important grammar rule to remember, whenever you’re talking about a place that you have been to, you should use the preposition ‘to’ but when you’re talking about a room in that place you should use ‘in’.

For example, you can say that you are going to the airport but if you want to be more specific about where you are, you should say that you are at the airport, in the souvenir shop.


Here are some more examples:

  • I’ve been to that restaurant so many times, the food is delicious and the service is great.
  • I am planning on going to the shopping mall tomorrow, there is a huge sale in the shoe department.
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