What is another word for Share?


The word share actually has two different meanings, so the synonym list that is appropriate for you depends on which meaning you want. Share is both a noun and a verb, and the meanings differ based on the part of speech.


Share as a noun is a portion of something. This is usually part of a whole that many people contribute to or own, collectively. For example, there are shares of a company, which means stock that you hold that represent parts of the company. For this definition of the word, you can use these following synonyms:

  • Portion, part, division, ration, stock, allowance, measure, due, percentage, dividend, helping, serving, slice, quota


Share as a verb means to split a whole thing between people. This could either be giving several people the ability to use something at a certain time, or cutting up something so that each person can have a part. Some of the words that have the same meaning as this verb are as follows:

  • Apportion, portion out, ration out, parcel out, measure out, split, divide, go Dutch, partake, participate, distribute


Note that for both definitions, not every single word can be freely substituted for the other. There are some nuances that you should be careful of. However, these are a good place to start!

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