What is a craving?


What is a craving?

A craving refers to any type of desire, longing or hunger for something. If somebody has a craving for ice-cream, this means that they really, really want ice-cream and won’t be satisfied by anything else.

You’ll often hear of pregnant women having cravings like pickles, fruit or pastries while pregnant.  If she is craving ice-cream she probably won’t be completely satisfied with frozen yogurt for example.


Cravings don’t just refer to foods people really want or desire, they can refer to other things like a craving for peace around the world or a craving for money and power, for example.


Crave can also be used as a verb to refer to the act of wanting or craving something. After long, cold and dark winters, many people crave a sun holiday to feel the sun against their skin again. They have this powerful desire to relax in a warm country and escape the rainy days back home.


Here are some more examples of the word being used as a noun and a verb:

  • I crave the day when I don’t have to wake up at 4 a.m. and commute two hours to get to work every day.
  • A common craving for many young adults in their 20’s, is to find a stable job that they enjoy and will find fulfilling for a long time.
  • The doctor told her patient that it is common to have cravings during the pregnancy and that if the pregnant woman starts to crave junk food she should try to find an alternative, healthier option like fruit or yogurt.

craving is a powerful desire or want for something. Most often, the word is used for food that you really want to eat, and it would be described as a craving for (for is the only preposition that follows).

It is also the gerund (-ing) form for the verb to crave. A collocation commonly used with the word is pregnancy cravings, which are strange and sudden desires of pregnant women to have specific foods.

Used as a verb:

  • After watching that documentary about the invention of pizza, I am craving some cheese lover’s pizza!
  • Suddenly, my wife started craving spicy chips.

Used as a noun:

  • I often get cravings for hamburgers if I am awake past 1 am.
  • I know you were trying your best with this vanilla ice cream, but my craving is for chocolate!


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