Come Rain Or Shine Meaning


Come Rain Or Shine Meaning

When you think of this phrase what or who do you think of? Frank Sinatra? Nora Jones? Or how about Ray Charles?  There is also Ella Fitzgerald, Billy Holiday? The phrase was made popular by two somewhat unknown song writers Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer. This song made popular the phrase come rain or shine.

It was originally written for a 1946 Broadway show called St. Louis Women. The song itself is a classic and Sinatra and Ray Charles helped lift the song to further stardom.  The song also helped the phrase become a regularly used idiom and a star in of itself in the world of idioms.


When we use this idiom, we are saying to someone not matter what, rain or shine, regardless of the circumstances we it will be done.

  • My dad was a early riser and always drank his coffee at sun rise come rain or shine.
  • I promise you, come rain or shine, we will finish that report.


Martin: Good morning, Sam

Sam: Hi Martin, how you today?

Martin: Very good. How is that report coming for Mr. Bells?

Sam: Well, it is a slow go. I worked on it all weekend and will continue to work on it today.

Martin: All weekend? It sounds like an intense report.

Sam: Well I promised Mr. Bells come rain or shine I will have it done.

Martin: You’re a dedicated employee Same!

Sam: Well a promise is a promise and come hell or high waterit will be done!

Other words you can create: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc. (ex: mug – mugger)

  • promise
  • guarantee
  • pledge
  • oath
  • assertion
  • vow
  • inevitably
  • regardless


Don’t worry I’ll be there, come rain or shine.

I promise I will have it done, come rain or shine.

Related phrasal verbs:

All sewn up: we use this phrase to indicate that we will do something or complete a task with complete certainty and no doubt.

  • It will be all sewn up in the morning, come rain or shine you will have your report.

Come through: when we use this phrase as it relates to come rain or shine, means to succeed in completing a task even with great adversity.

  • Frank is the most dependable employee, he always comes through with is part of the project come rain or shine.

With Certainty: when we say with certainty we are saying we are sure of something, In the context of come rain or shine we are guaranteeing that something will be done

  • I can say with certainty that come rain or shine we will go to the concert.

To be sure: we use this phrase to express our confidence of something, someone, to do something or complete an activity.

  • My wife will cook Christmas dinner, to be sure. Come rain or shine everybody be there on time, four o’clock sharp!

Come what may: when we us this phrase we are saying no matter what happens something will be completed.

  • Come what may, we will complete the house work and come rain or shine the party will be on Sunday.

Word of honor: basically this means that someone promises to do something and it is a solemn promise.

  • It is his word of honour that come rain or shine he will send his daughter to college.

Sure thing: when we use this phrase we are saying with 100 % certainty that something will be done.

  • If my father says it will happen, it is sure thing. I can tell you this, come rain or shine you will have a new table.

Sure bet: in the context of come rain or shine it means a guarantee regardless of the circumstances.

  • Many people think that the football’s win is a sure bet. Most people will support the team come rain or shine even if they lose the game.

No matter what: we use this to express that something will happen regardless of any circumstance.

  • My mother said that no matter what she and my father will retire at 60 years old, come rain or shine.

Related idioms:

All but dead certainty: to believe something with 100 % certainty.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt: to believe something with will happen with complete confidence.

Shoo-in: this idiom refers to someone or something that will happen unquestionably.

One way or another: a phrase to express that nothing will stop someone or something from occurring.

By hook or by crook: in this context of come rain or shine it means by any means possible.

Come hell or high water: is a idiom we use similar to come rain or shine but is much stronger and mean that whatever difficulties or adversity there might be some will be done.

No matter what it takes: this is an idiom to describe someone doing something without regard for any other circumstances or conditions.

Synonyms (other ways to say):

  • Forgone conclusion
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