How do we call the sounds we make while speaking? How can we write them?


The term for these words is ‘interjections’.
They’re not real words, but represent the sounds people make when talking to others.
Here’s a great list on how to spell them and when they’re used:

Ahem = a short cough to gain attention
Aww = expresses adoration
Boo = to scare somebody
Boo-ya = triumph
Eek = unpleasantly surprised
Erm = don’t know what to say
Ha = joy, triumph
Ha-ha = laughter
Hey = call for attention
Hmm = skepticism, confusion
Huh? = repeat it, please
Hooray = triumph, happiness
Ick = disgust
Mmm = pleasure
Mwah = loud kiss in the air
Oh-oh = something bad is about to happen
Oops = error
Ouch = pain
Pff = disappointment
Phew = relief
Poof = disappears suddenly
Psst = be quiet
Shhh = be quiet
Tsk-tsk = disapproval
Ugh = disgust
Uh-huh = agreement
Uh-uh = refusal
Whee = I’m so excited
Whoa = surprise
Woo-hoo = excitment
Wow = surprise
Yay = Well done!
Yikes = concern
Yoo-hoo = attracts attention
Yuck = disgust
Yum = it’s delicious

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