Do you prepare for the BEC Higher exam (Business English Certificate)?


Yes, we prepare students for the Cambridge English: Business Higher (BEC).
We also prepare students for the Cambridge IELTS (International English Language Testing System), and the ETS TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).
In the initial stages of preparation, we prefer to focus on natural, enjoyable preparation materials. Using these course materials the student will practise all of the disciplines tested in these exams (writing, reading, listening, speaking, and use of English) but in a way that is as natural as possible.
This means, for example, that we will practise reading and reading comprehension strategies using ‘real texts’ chosen by the student rather than texts taken from exam preparation books. In this way, you will have a more enjoyable experience in the initial stages of preparation.
As the student progresses and his / her confidence grows, we will begin to introduce sample papers and past exam paper resources into the lesson so that you can gain much needed experience in working under pressure to exam time limits and constraints. It is at this stage that the student will receive guidance in strategies that will be essential in any given exam.
Towards the final stages of exam preparation, the focus shifts completely to exam paper resources and testing. In the final week before an exam, the student will usually be given mock exam papers to be completed within a given time constraint.
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