Fixed Collocation and Partial Collocation


Collocations are conventional combinations of words that are always used together. For example, to talk about someone who smokes a lot, we say heavy smoker. If you replaced “heavy” with another adjective, it would sound unnatural:

  • Strong smoker
  • Determined smoker

To sound natural, you need to use the right collocation:

  • Heavy smoker

As collocations are combinations of words, there is no such thing as a partial collocation. All the parts that make up a collocation need to be present for it to be correct.
To learn more about collocations, read What Are Collocations?

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Milan Musch
Milan Musch
6 months ago

What is the meaning of these collocations? How can I use these sentences?

  1. the country can be uplifted
  2. it lends itself to it 
  3. the legacy of empire is at the root of the controversy
  4. at the policy level