Definitions – Aptitude, Attitude, Achievement, Ability, Intelligence, Skill, Aptness, Apt-get


awesome, cool, wonderful remarkable impressive outstanding excellentAptitude, Attitude, Achievement, Ability, Intelligence, Skill, Aptness, Apt-get – Definitions

Okay, let’s see, many are similar but it’s always good to learn synonyms and expand your vocabulary:


Aptitude – A natural ability to complete a task.

[Tweet “Aptitude – A natural ability to complete a task. “]


Some people have an aptitude for painting, others have an aptitude for sport.

He showed great aptitude on the test, getting 100 percent.


Attitude – A feeling or behaviour towards a task.

[Tweet “Attitude – A feeling or behaviour towards a task. “]


He showed poor attitude in class by disrespecting the teacher.

The attitude of the country towards immigrants was hostile.


Achievement – A successful completion of a task.

[Tweet “Achievement – A successful completion of a task.”]


Jimmy had won the race, what a fantastic achievement!

He felt a sense of achievement after passing the test.


Ability – The capacity to complete a task or a type of skill used to complete a task.

[Tweet “Ability – The capacity to complete a task or a type of skill used to complete a task.”]


He had the ability to programme a robot and make it talk.

Her best abilities included: Speaking, writing and reading other languages.


Intelligence – The ability to learn and apply skills.

[Tweet “Intelligence – The ability to learn and apply skills.”]


Albert Einstein said: “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” 

The boy showed his intelligence in his homework essay.


Skill – The ability used to complete a task or a special, individual quality.

[Tweet “Skill – The ability used to complete a task or a special, individual quality.”]


Zidane was a footballer who showed great skill.

Speaking in front of a group of people is a valuable skill.


Aptness – Being able or appropriate to do something.

[Tweet “Aptness – Being able or appropriate to do something.”]


The aptness of the farmer to manage the office was questionable.

His aptness to plant crops, however, was clear.


Apt-get – This appears to be a technical term and not actually a part of the English language: apt-get – Debian Wiki


Apt – To be apt is to be suitable for a task. (similar to aptness)

[Tweet “Apt – To be apt is to be suitable for a task. “]


The punishment was apt for the crime committed.

He is apt to succeed in his new job.


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