How to Use ‘In a Nutshell’ in a Sentence?


idea, light, shine upon, illuminate, animate, switch on a light

[Tweet “You use in a nutshell to summarise an idea that you have explained with too many words or at least more words than necessary.”]

You use in a nutshell to summarise an idea that you have explained with too many words or at least more words than necessary.

Take a look at the examples:

  • I went to the party and it was so fun, I did so many cool things and I can’t wait for the next one it was so cool! In a nutshell, it was really fun.
  • Giraffes are so tall! They’re tall enough to eat high leaves off of trees and they could probably see over the top of my house if they wanted to! In a nutshell, giraffes are tall.

It’s a really useful phrase to use when you have said a lot more words than you needed to!


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