In as much I hope that you will think about reducing the age limit to possibly eight. Is this a correct sentence?


In as much I hope that you will think about reducing the age limit to possibly eight.

This sentence is not entirely correct. The phrase you should use is “in as much as”. While the grammar is right, what you have written is a phrase, not a complete sentence. Because you added the transition phrase “In as much as”, you need to complete the sentence with the rest of the thought. If you want to do something but need to consider something else, you can say this:

  • “In as much as grammar is important, learning vocabulary is usually the most important thing that someone trying to learn a language can do.”


This means that you should consider grammar when learning a language, but what you should really focus on is increasing the amount of vocabulary that you know.

I am not sure what you are trying to express with your thoughts in this sentence here, but this is the major change you should make.


The other thing that I would recommend for this sentence is to get rid of all the ambiguity. Using “I hope you will think about” and “possibly” in the same sentence makes you seem very unsure about yourself.

You seem to be scared of offending someone, but it comes off as unsure. If you are unsure of yourself, you risk raising doubts in the other person. The best solution is to state why you want to change the age limit:

  • In as much as changing the age limit will (something bad that could happen), it will be more beneficial than not because (all the reasons why you are proposing this).
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