How to write an email to a school in Hong Kong to ask them if I will be able to take the test as expected or not because of the Coronavirus outbreak?


How to write an email to a school in Hong Kong to ask them if I will be able to take the test as expected or not because of the Coronavirus outbreak?

Your Question:

Hello, I do not know if I am allowed to ask such a question.

But, I need to send an email to a school in Hong Kong to ask them if I will be able to take the test as expected or not because of the Coronavirus outbreak, and I am not sure how to start my email. I’d be grateful if you could help me with that.

Our Answer: 

First of all, if you do the tests online, I think you will be able to attend.
Secondly, Just say hello and ask if there is anything that prevents them from having your tests in time.

Here is an email sample for you:

Honored teachers, (or insert specific teacher name instead of “teachers”)

Due to the recent Coronavirus outbreaks I only wish to ask if we will hold the upcoming test on the (insert date here) as planned?

For my own safety, and the safety of others, I understand if the test needs to be postponed. If there is any confirmation about my future attendance you might need, feel free to ask.

I hope that everyone is safe, and that we will continue with our studies soon.

Best wishes,
(Your name here)

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