Another word for Rush?


The word rush has two meanings, both related to the act of going quickly because you are about to be late for something. You can either use it as a noun or a verb.


1. If you use rush as a noun, you usually mean that there is a very fast movement. This is often because someone is late for something, or they are trying to finish before time is up. Some good synonyms to use instead of rush include these nouns: dash, run, scramble, break, sprint, dart, bolt, charge, attack, onslaught, gust, blast, drift, surge, flow


2. For rush as a verb, you refer to the act of doing something quickly to meet a deadline. Some good verbs to use instead are: dash, sprint, dart, gallop, charge, hurtle, careen, scurry, speed, hasten, hurry, shoot, scuttle, fly, scoot, race, run, bolt, zip, and hightail it.


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