How to get more likes on instagram?


Instagram is a difficult platform to grow on because you cannot share posts the way that you can on other platforms, especially Facebook and Twitter. However, getting likes is not impossible if you try some of these tactics:

  • Asking your friends to like your posts

Having people already liking the posts means that you have social proof. This means that other people can see how many people have liked your posts, and they will be more likely to pay attention to them. Having people who already like your posts also signals to Instagram that your post is something that people like to see, so it will more likely show up on peoples’ feeds as suggestions.

  • Liking and following other people first

To get interaction on your own posts, you have to show that you are willing to engage them! People can find you most easily by having you show up in their notifications. If you follow or like their posts first, they are more likely to go to your profile and like your posts.

  • Commenting on other peoples’ posts and responding to comments on your posts

Commenting is, like liking, a form of interaction on Instagram. If you get comments, that means that people are more interested in what you have to say and can build a closer bond with you! The more people get to know you, the more they will like your posts and comment even more in the future.

  • Editing your pictures

Of course, people will only like pictures that look good! This requires you to make your photos as appealing as possible. Most “professional Instagrammers” or social media influencers, or people who have hundreds of thousands of followers and likes on their photos, spend a lot of time getting the right shot and then editing the colors and dimensions to fit Instagram. While all kinds of pictures do well, sticking to a distinct style can get more likes because you are putting out similar pictures each time.

  • Including appropriate tags and locations

Tags and locations are ways that people can find your photos, and know more about where you were when you posted them!

  • Having a descriptive caption

Especially if your photo is of something people won’t easily recognize, having a caption is crucial! This is also where you can ask your followers a question, meaning they will be more engaged and more likely to like or comment on your photos.

  • Being genuine and asking questions

The point of social media is to get to know the people behind the accounts. Part of this is interacting with people and sharing more about yourself. If you want people to trust you and follow you, which leads inevitably to more likes, share real things about yourself and ask your followers and likers questions!

  • Cross posting on similar accounts and tagging each other

Part of growing your account and getting people to like your posts is collaborating with other people. This is important because cross posting can get your content in front of a lot more people! Make sure the other person links back to you and explains why they like you – that is more likely to get you more followers and likers in the future.

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