What does “don’t get mad over that” mean?


The expression to get mad over something means to be annoyed about something or angry about something.
If somebody eats the last slice of pizza, for example, the other person might be annoyed about that or the person might get mad over the fact that all the pizza is gone.
If you tell somebody not to get mad over that, you are telling them not to get annoyed or angry about something.
Check out the dialogue below to see how we can use the expression in an everyday situation:

Angela: Are you okay?
Carl: I’m fine, why?
Angela: You seem annoyed about something. You have been walking around with a frown on your face the whole day. Did something happen?
Carl: Oh it’s nothing, I just didn’t like the way Mr.Kennedy talked to me today during the meeting. He can be really condescending.
Angela: That’s just the way he is, don’t get mad over that.
Carl: I know it shouldn’t bother me but it does.
Angela: I understand, I’ve gotten mad over that before too. You just have to remember not to take it personally or get annoyed by it.
Carl: You’re right, I’ll forget about it.

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