What vs Which 🤔👉 What is the difference? ✅


what vs which

Do you say what day is it? or which day is it?

Which is preferred when you have a limited number of choices.

  • Which car would you like to buy? The blue one or the red one? (choosing from 2 things)
  • Which necklace did you buy for your girlfriend? The one with the diamonds? (there were only a few necklaces the man was considering to buy)

What is used when you’re not thinking of a limited number of choices.

  • What sports do you like? (there are hundreds of sports to choose from)
  • What colour is your new car? (there are hundreds of colours to choose from)

So, if you ask ‘Which day is it?’, you should have some specific choices in mind. Is it the day we’ll go to your sister’s wedding, or is it the day we’ll go to your brother’s wedding? Of course, it’s not very likely that you should ever ask these questions.

Is it the day we’ll go to your sister’s wedding, or is it the day we’ll go to your brother’s wedding? Of course, it’s not very likely that you should ever ask these questions.
Most probably you would ask ‘

Most probably you would ask ‘What day is it today?’.

Which Is Why or That Is Why?

Which vs That! 😍 Is there a Difference Between Which and That?

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I love it

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I like this site

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