How do we use Fractions?


yeah so…………

Since this is an English language forum, I will assume that you mean how we can use the word fraction in a sentence. You can talk about a literal fraction (like 1/2 of something) or a fraction meaning a part of. When you are not talking a specific amount, a fraction usually means a very small number of something.

  • It is tricky to add the fractions 1/2 and 3/5, but if you convert them to a decimal (0.5 and 0.6), it is much easier to see what the correct answer should be.
  • I know you think this news looks bad, but honestly, it’s just a fraction of the bad news that is out there.

Notice that when I talk about a specific number fraction, I don’t need the word “of”. When I talk about a part of something, though, I do need it. (Always say “a fraction of something”!)

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