27 Most Common Collocations With Over: Come Over, All Over Again,…


Many preposition words have multiple collocations that don’t change their meaning. The word, over, has many collocations with additional meanings, here are a few of them.

1. All over again

To repeat something or do something from the beginning.

  • You mean we have to do this all over again?
  • Can you replay the song all over again?

2. Come over

Used to invite another person to visit you at your home or place of work.

  • Why don’t you come over tonight?
  • I am having some friends come over this weekend.

3. Get over it

This collocation is used to tell someone not to be resentful of something that has happened to them. It is considered very forward, even rude.

  • You are so worried about what she did to you, just get over it!
  • It happened so long ago, and I just can’t seem to get over it!

4. Get this over with

To finish doing something that is unpleasant.

  • I hate painting lets get this over with.
  • I can’t wait to get this over with. 

5. Hand over

To pass something along both literally and figuratively.

  • Can you please arrange to hand over the contracts before the end of the day.
  • The hand over of the house is on the 15th of next month.
  • I will hand over my responsibilities to the new CEO next month.

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6. Head over

To go somewhere.

  • I am going to head over shortly.
  • Let’s head over there now. 

7. Lean/ed over

The action of reaching out with your body over another thing.

  • Michael leaned over the handrail to touch the puppies.
  • Be careful you don’t fall when you lean over the edge to see the water below.

8. Life is over

A negative expression used to say how hopeless a person feels.

  • My boyfriend broke up with me, and I feel like my life is over now.
  • I just lost my best friend; my life is over!

9. Over and out

This phrase is famous for being used over two-way radios; it is not used over the phone or during face to face conversations. It is used to tell the other person listening that they have finished speaking and are leaving the discussion.

  • We will be there in an hour. Over and out.
  • Thanks for the update. Ship Franklin over and out.

10. Over and over

To repeat something multiple times.

  • I have been thinking about what happened over and over all night.
  • They keep showing the same episode over and over. 

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11. Over coffee

To do something while enjoying a drink of coffee.

  • Let’s talk about this over coffee.
  • Would you like to review the contracts with me over coffee?

12. Over done it / Over do it

This phrase describes the feeling of having no energy and being close to collapse.

  • Jeff worked all night without eating, and now he has over done it.
  • Be careful not to over do it, take a break when you need to.

13. Over estimate

To guess that something is going to cost more than it actually will.

  • I could see it was going to be a big job, so I made sure to over estimate it in case of any unexpected expenses.
  • Don’t over estimate what it will cost.

14. Over extend/ed

This collocation is commonly used in money matters to explain when someone has spent more money than they have.

  • He has over extended himself and is now under a mountain of debt!
  • Take care, not to over extend yourself.

14. Over head

When something is located in a place that is literally above your head.

  • Please store your luggage in the over head compartments.
  • We have installed lights over head. 

15. Over qualified

When a person with many qualifications applies for a new job and have too many qualifications for the position offered.

  • I am sorry, but you are over qualified for this position.
  • We think you are over qualified for this job, but we would like to offer you a management role. 

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16. Over rated

If someone or something is not as good as others say or claim.

  • That movie was so over rated, the special effects were terrible.
  • He is an over rated actor I think.

17. Over the hill

A derogative term to describe a person who is now old and cannot do what they used to.

  • He is so over the hill.

18. Over the line

Literally and figuratively to cross a line.

  • The runner ran over the line.
  • He crossed the over the line when he told me to shoot the other person.

19. Over the years

Used to describe the passing of time.

  • Over the years we have gone to the beach many times.
  • I have seen many changes in my neighborhood over the years.

20. Over time

Not to be confused with the noun overtime. Over time refers to the passing of time again, similar to our previous collocation of over the years.

  • Over time I have learned what the best way to get to my office in the city is.
  • It didn’t happen quickly, but over time we were able to build our own home.

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21. Pull over

Commonly used when driving a vehicle, it means to stop the car on the side of the road.

  • I need to use the bathroom can you pull over at the next gas station?
  • The police asked me to pull over for speeding, but I wasn’t going too fast.

22. Run over

Also used about vehicles, it describes what happens to a thing or person when a vehicle drives on top of them.

  • If you don’t drive with care, you will run over someone.
  • That poor animal got run over by a truck. 

23. Turn over

To give something to another person, usually when you don’t want to.

  • You need to turn over your nail file at the airport security.
  • Please turn over any weapons you have hidden.

24. Under estimate

The opposite of over estimate, but also used figuratively to describe misjudging another person or thing.

  • I under estimated how much the car was going to cost me?
  • Don’t underestimate the other team; they have won many games recently.

25. Walk (all) over

Literally to walk over means to go towards a place. Figuertavily it describes when a person dominates or controls another person.

  • Let’s walk over to the shopping mall.
  • If you don’t say something and defend yourself, he will walk over you / walk all over you.

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26. Watch over

This collocation gives us the idea of someone looking after us.

  • Can you call a babysitter to watch over the kids while we go to the movies?
  • God will watch over us. 

27. Win over

When someone gains our trust and approval, we use this colocation to describe that feeling.

  • Your boyfriend has to win me over before I give you my permission to marry him.
  • Work hard to win over the rest of your teammates.

Can you think of any other collocations with the word over? Tell us with a comment below! Just be careful not to confuse a collocation with a compound noun; it is very easy to do with this word!

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