15 Most Common Synonyms for Specific



Means that something is clearly defined or identified. It is the opposite of general. It simple means that something very clear is being referred to.

There are many different synonyms for specific. Here are some of the most commonly used.

1. Particular 

Is used to refer to a single piece or member of a group. For example one may want a particular pen, meaning someone would have a specific pen in mind that they want.

  • I’d like to know which particular type of apples you would like me to get from the store.
  • Is there a particular skill you would like to learn today?

2. Specify

Means to make it clear which particular thing one wants. To specify means to clarify or make clear.

  • I have to specify which paint color I want in the living room tomorrow.
  • Can you please specify what you mean?

3. Fixed 

Refers to something that is secured into a position. Fixed means that something is in a clear specific place or is done in a clear specific way.

  • Is the plan fixed, or can it be changed?
  • Let’s hurry up and get the plan fixed, we need to sure things up.

4. Set

Means to put something in a certain (specific) place or position. It’s a synonym for specific because it refers to something being done in a specific way or at a specific time. When something is set it’s clear and final.

  • Please set the clocks back an hour tonight.
  • Is the time for the meeting set?

5. Determined 

Means that a decision has been made and it’s not going to change. It is fixed, set, and clear.

  • We have determined that water was the cause of the damage.
  • Have you determined what time we are going to have the meeting?

6. Distinct 

Means that something is clearly distinguishable. It means that something is well defined and clear. It is physically separate from other things.

  • We need to come up with three distinct animations.
  • You need to have an idea that is distinct from that of your colleagues.

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7. Definite

Means that something is clear. When something is definite there is no doubt as to what is said or what is to be done.  This word is often used as an adverb, definitely.

  • Is the price for the unit definite?
  • I would like to come up with a definite plan by the end of the week.
  • I definitely want to purchase the house.
  • Do you definitely want to go this weekend?

8. Precise 

Means that something is exact. Nothing is in doubt when something is precise. The adverb form of precise is precisely and it is commonly used.

  • The weather report is never precise.
  • The measurements of the gown are precise.
  • I want to know precisely what was said.
  • What precisely would you like to discuss?

9. Specific

Also refers to giving or making clear instructions. The instructions can be written or given verbally.

  • Her instructions were specific, there shouldn’t be any confusion.
  • I am expecting his report to be specific.

10. Detailed 

Means that something is complete and full of details. When something is detailed it usually means that everything has been worked out or accounted for.

  • The report detailed all of the reasons the accident occurred.
  • Can you please give me detailed notes from the meeting?

11. Explicit 

Means that something is stated clearly and there are no doubts.

  • You cannot use his work without explicit permission.
  • The lecture was great, it explicitly explained how clouds are formed.

12. Express 

Means to say what one thinks. When used it tends to mean that the opinion or information being stated is clear.

  • I would like to express my feelings.
  • I have expressed in writing my issues with the statement.

13. Unequivocal

Means  that there is no doubt.

  • The facts are unequivocally clear, and they show that he is guilty.
  • She was the unequivocal winner of the competition.

14. Meticulous

Refers to paying a lot of attention to the details and being very clear.

  • The painting was meticulous, the detail was incredible.
  • Sara took meticulous notes during the meeting.

15. Strict 

Means that certain rules or parameters are followed exactly. The adverb form of strictly is often used.

  • My parents are so strict, I can never stay up late on a school night.
  • The procedures were extremely strict.
  • We need to strictly adhere to the topic.
  • Everything that was done was strictly legal.

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