15 Most Common Synonyms for Mind: Brain, Intelligence, Understanding,…



Has multiple meanings. It can refer to the brain function that allows one to have thought, understand experiences and feel things.

There are many words that can be substituted for mind. Here are some of the most often used.

1. Brain

Refers to the organ in the skull that coordinates sensation, intellectual, and nervous system activity. More simply put the brain is the part of the body that allows someone to think, feel, and understand.

When used in everyday conversation the brain and head are often used interchangeably.

  • My brain hurts from thinking for so long.

2. Intelligence

Is the ability to receive and apply knowledge and skills. Intelligence has to do with processing information. In simple terms it’s how well someone thinks.

Police departments and other law enforcement agencies also collect intelligence when doing investigations into crimes.  Intelligence also refers to a government collecting information on other governments or groups.

  • People now recognize many different forms of intelligence.
  • The agent went undercover to collect intelligence about the gang.

3. Intellect

Is the ability to understand and reason about something. It is especially used when referring to academic matters. It is also used to talk about an intelligent person.

  • He is lacking intellect.

4. Intellectual capabilities

Speaks to someone’s ability to understand information.

  • He is extremely intellectually capable.

5. Brain Power

Refers to mental ability.While brain power is used in a similar way to intellectual capability, it can also be used to encourage someone to think harder.

  • Use your brain power to solve the problem.

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6. Wits

Is a more casual way to talk about someone’s ability to think and reason. It is at times used to refer to “street smart”, which means information learned through life experiences instead of school.

  • She used her wits to win the competition.

7. Understanding

Refers to the ability to comprehend or grasp something. Two or more entities can have an understanding, which means they have all agreed on something.

  • I’m not understanding what you’re saying.
  • After the meeting the two companies had an understanding of how to move forward.

8. Reasoning

Is the actual thought process that one goes through when thinking about something. Reasoning refers to logical steps that are taken to address something.

  • She insisted that merging the two companies was the right decision, but it was her colleague who came up with the reasoning behind it.
  • I want to understand the reasoning behind the decision.

9. Judgement

Means the ability to make a decision or come to a logical conclusion. Judgement refers to a decision making sense and being clear. However someone’s judgement can be questioned. Judgements are opinions or conclusions that one comes to.

  • His lack of good judgment is the reason why he was fired.
  • After hearing all of the evidence a judgement was made.

10. Sense

Refers to a feeling that something is true or right. It is also a realistic attitude to a situation. It can also refer to the rational, or whether or not something is clear.

  • My sense of the situation is that he’s lying.
  • She showed great sense, and it lead to people trusting her decisions.
  • Can you repeat what you said, it didn’t make sense to me.
  • That doesn’t make sense.

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11. Smart or Smarts

Refers to how intelligent someone is. Smarts, in particular  can also be used to refer to someone using their intellect. Smart means that same thing, but like wits is a casual term that can at time refer to someone gaining knowledge through life experiences.

  • She is incredibly smart. 
  • He used his smarts to get a good deal on the property.


Can also refer to someone’s ability to remember things.

  • What’s her name again, it slipped my mind.
  • Where is my mind? Let me introduce myself.

There are a few words that are synonyms for this definition of mind. Here they are.

12. Memory

Refers to someone ability to remember something. It is also how and where the brain stores information.

  • My memory isn’t so great, what did you ask me to do?
  • I’m doing brain exercises to help improve my memory.

13. Recollection

Is the process of remembering something. In this case something is being recalled from the mind.

  • To my recollection everything was finished last week.

Another definition for mind is where a person’s or organization’s attention is.

  • Can you please repeat that? My mind was somewhere else.
  • In order to get this done on time, I have to keep my mind on the task at hand.

There are a few other words that also mean this form of mind. Here they are.

14. Attention

Is taking notice of someone or something. When attention is given it means that someone is focusing on a certain thing.

  • I want to make sure that I am able to give you all of my attention.

15. Concentration

Means to take mental effort to focus on a ask or to send one’s focus to it.

  • It takes a lot of concentration to be a top athlete.

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