Get On Meaning/Definition of Get on


Get On Meaning

The phrase get (v) on (adv.) first appeared in the English language the 1590’s and meant “to prosper.” Later it also began to take on the meaning of “to advance, make progress” as well as “be friendly with.”

1. Meaning of Get on:

Most commonly we will use get on or get onto to refer to a person or thing to get on a form of transportation that transports many people

  • I need to get on to the bus and get to work.
  • We are going to go and get onto the plane, when you are ready come join us.           

Related Phrases & Phrasal Verbs:

Climb on- in the context of get on, we use this phrase to describe someone move themselves onto something.

  • To get on to the plane we first need to climb onto the bus to be taxied to the plane.

Jump on- when we use this term we use it describe someone or something getting on something very quickly.

  • He jumped on the ladder and slipped and fell before he could get on the boat.

Clamber up- we use to describe someone who climbs something to get onto something.

  • He clambered up the ladder to get on the boat.

Mount up- we use this phrase to describe someone climbs onto something. It is sometimes used informally and idiomatically.

  • Ok everyone let’smount up and get on the wagon. 

Related idioms:

Hop on- often used to refer to getting on a horse, but can also mean to get on something other than a horse.

Synonyms (other ways to say):





2. Meaning of Get on:

Another way we use get on is in the form of “get someone on something.” In this form, it might use it to describe putting someone on a media show like TV, Pod Cast or radio.

  • Fred got his friend on at his company because he knew the HR person well.
  • She got her friend on the famous talk show by sending an email to the host.           

Related Phrases & Phrasal Verbs:

Bring on- when we use this phrase in the context of get on, it means to provide someone an opportunity to do something or invite them to do something.

  • We wanted Sally to get my friend on her TV show, but she said she couldn’t bring him on.

Bring in- when we use this in the context of get on, we are referring to someone joining from the outside.

  • She decided to bring in an expert and get him on the show to talk about the issue of Aliens.

Invite on- when we ask someone to do something as a request a show or a performance.

  • For Bob to get his friend on the show he would have to ask the producer to invite him on an audition first.

Related idioms:

Get a gig on- when someone receives an invitation to perform.

Synonyms (other ways to say):

have on

include as a guest

appear on

3. Meaning of Get on:

We will often use the phrase get on to say we need to do a task, and activity or job that we have been procrastinating on.

  • I really need to get on that report as it is due on Monday and it already Thursday!
  • You need to get on your homework and then we will talk about TV time.           


got on

getting on

Related Phrases & Phrasal Verbs:

Go about- means to do something.

  • How will we go about getting this project started? We need to get on this project soon!

Follow through- in the context of get one we use this phrase to say to finish what someone committed to doing.

  • We promised we would follow through, so tomorrow we will get on cleaning the car for mom.

See through- we use this to describe something a person does that they persist even if it is difficult.

  • We need to see this assignment through and then we will need to get on the BDN project.

Related idioms:

Get your ass on it- this is an idiomatic phrase we use to direct someone to hurry and complete something.

Get it done- we use this to express to someone to complete something.

Synonyms (other ways to say):






4. Meaning of Get on:

We will use get on when we want to express that someone was chosen to be part of a group, team or membership.

  • The principle got on the board for the local community action group.
  • She got on the board of directors after a careful selection process.           


get on

getting on

got on

Related Phrases & Phrasal Verbs:

Rule out of- when we use this phrase we are saying that we are excluding someone or something.

  • They ruled him out of the consideration and he did not get on the panels presidency.

Related idioms:

Call up- this phrase is used to say that we are giving someone an opportunity to join a higher-level group or team.

5. Meaning of Get on:

We can use this phrase to ask someone who they are doing with something, what progress is being made.

  • How are you getting along with the speech you are supposed to do?
  • He is getting along well with his preparation for the BAR examination.           

Related Phrases & Phrasal Verbs:

To make progress on something-  we use this phrase to express that things are getting better or improving.

  • How are you getting on with the report, are you making progress on it?

Get ahead- when we use this phrase in the context of get on we are saying we are advanced or further along than others.

  • I got ahead on my work, so the project is getting on well.

Break through- when we have a break through it means we have found a solution to an issue.

  • We had a breakthrough and we are getting on well with the final negotiation.

Related idioms:

Forge ahead- this is a phrase we use to phrase in the context of get on to say that we are moving forward and leading

Plod along-  when we say plod along we are saying that thin are moving ahead, but slowly.

6. Meaning of Get on:

We can use get on as an expression to express the progression of time, age or number.  It can also be used to refer to someone as getting old.

  • It was getting on in the year and they hadn’t planted their crop yet.
  • He is getting on, and has already lost his hearing.

7. Meaning of Get on:

British will use get on in the same way that American English will use get along with.

  • My two friends don’t get on well since they had a falling out about a girl.
  • My parents and I get on well with each other, and we always got on well even when we disagreed.

Related Phrases & Phrasal Verbs:

Get along- to have a positive andcompatible relationship with someone.

Spend time with someone- use your time energy and effort to be with someone you like.

Fall in with- to act in accordance (some’s ideas or suggestions) or agree to. (I didn’t fall in with their ideas.)

Like-minded- when we use like-minded in the context of get on, it means that a person has similar interests and opinions. 

Related idioms:

Hit it off- this is a phrase used to say that two or more people like each other from the beginning of their relationship.

On the same page- when we use this phrase in the context of get on, we say that two people see and agree on things in general.

Having good vibes- this means someone has good feelings towards or about someone.

In sync with- when someone is in sync, they share the same ideas, feelings and opinions with someone or with a specific group of people.

Synonyms (other ways to say):

Get along

8. Meaning of Get on:

Often, we will use get on to express the action of reminding someone to do something, especially if they have been told more than once.

  • We need to get on Joshua to do his homework after school.
  • Bill had to keep getting onSarah for her work, he finally fired her.


He finally got on his kids to do their homework.

We need to get on this house work, the place is filthy.

She is getting on the report this afternoon, I expect to have it tomorrow.

9. Meaning of Get on:

Another meaning and way we use get on is informal and to express having sex.

  • Bill and Amy are in the bedroom getting it on.
  • Hey Sheila, how about we stay in tonight and get it on.

Related Phrases & Phrasal Verbs:

Make out- when we use this phrase, it means to kiss.

  • They were making out in their parents’ bedroom when their parents came in the room and interrupted them before they could get it on.

Make love- we use this phrase to express two people who care for each other having sex.

  • Forget making love, let’s just get it on!

Fool Around- we use this term to describe two people having casual sex.

  • Bill is not only fooling around with Amy, he has also been getting it on with Fran.

Related idioms:

Go all the way- we use this idiom to express two people beginning with pre-sexual activities and then have sexual intercourse.

Screw- this is an informal term used to describe people having sex.

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