How can I really improve my english skills without leaving my country?


Good question! There are many ways to improve your English skills from your own country!Β 

1. Firstly, you can take English classes with native English speakers from the comfort of your own home via Skype. This way you will have the help of a qualified teacher who can guide and support you on your journey to becoming a fluent English speaker.Β 
Use this website:
2. If you already speak some English you could look for an English conversation club in your home town. This is a great way of improving your spoken fluency and of meeting new people who are also learning English.
3. You can watch movies, television shows, the news or documentaries in English. At the beginning you can use subtitles to help you to understand what is being said. This will help to develop your listening skills, improve your vocabulary and it is fun and informative too!Β 
Use this websites:
BBC audio and video
4. You can listen to the radio or podcasts in English.Β 
Use this website:
5. If you enjoy listening to music, why not listen to some songs in English – try singing along!
Use this video:
6. You can read books, magazines and articles on the internet in English. It is really useful to start your own β€˜dictionary’ of any new words you learn, that way it is easy to revise your new vocabulary. Don’t look up every word you don’t know, try to understand the general meaning of the text first and then you can re-read it in more detail. Try to guess the meaning of the words from the context. If you are still unsure, check the meaning in a dictionary and write down the new word in your notebook.
Website to use:
7. You could find a pen pal – someone you can write to in English – or use internet chatrooms in English. This will help to improve your writing skills. You can also keep a diary in English – try to use some of the new words you have learned!
Top 10 Language Exchange Websites to Speak English Fluently

8. Record yourself speaking in English and listen to it. This is a good way of improving pronunciation and intonation.
9. Try to think in English – this is great practice and will make speaking much easier.
Use these tips:
15 Things to STOP Doing When Learning English! (Very Important!)
10. Use post-it notes to label everything in your home in English.
11. It is also important to understand grammar so take advantage of the many free resources to learn and practice it online or buy a grammar book with exercises.
Use these websites and books:
10 Websites to Learn and Practice English Grammar
BEST E-Books to Learn English
11. Try to spend some time studying English every day. It is much more effective to spend 10 minutes a day learning and practicing your English than it is to spend one hour, once a week. Make it a habit and stick to it!
12. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes – everyone makes mistakes; it is a part of the learning process!
13. Most importantly – have fun and enjoy it!

14. Check out How to Learn English in a New Way!
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