How to make a rubber band ball?


rubber band ball


A rubber band ball is simply a ball made of rubber bands. It is easy to get one from the store if stores in your area sell such items. In the United States, stores like Target or Walmart are likely to have them in the school supplies aisle.

If you really want to make one yourself, the trickiest part is the very beginning. The easiest way to do it is to start with many, many rubber bands.

It is best if they are still stretchy but not too stretched out yet. In the beginning, you can fold one of the smaller rubber bands into fourths or eighths to serve as the base.

Then, take several of the other rubber bands and tie them around that first rubber band, tight to the point that they will not fall off but not too tight.

Try to even out the edge as much as possible so that the structure looks like a ball or sphere after about 20 rubber bands.

Once you have that, it is easy to add to it! Just try to keep the sides even so that it will be spherical rather than a cylinder.

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