What is the opposite of One in English?


Opposite of One

There are actually two or more opposites to one. There can be one of anything, and as a number, there are two numbers that are close opposite.

  1. none, or zero
  2. two. 

If there is one of something there can also be none of it, or two. These are the closest opposites. However, any number can be the opposite of one. None, or zero, is the complete opposite, and any other number is a close opposite. 

More opposites of One

  1. multiple
  2. mixed
  3. many
  4. numerous
  5. several
  6. much
  7. various
  8. a number of
  9. a quantity of

Opposite of One in Spanish

Opuesto a uno:
ninguno, cero, dos, múltiple, mixto, muchos, numerosos, varios, mucho, varios, un número de, una cantidad de

Opposite of One in French

L’opposé d’un :
aucun, zéro, deux, multiple, mélangé, beaucoup, nombreux, plusieurs, beaucoup, divers, un certain nombre de, une quantité de

Opposite of One in Italian

Opposto di Uno:
nessuno, zero, due, multiplo, misto, molti, numerosi, parecchi, molto, vario, un numero di, una quantità di

Opposite of One in German

Gegenteil von Eins:
keine, null, zwei, mehrfach, gemischt, viele, zahlreiche, mehrere, viel, verschiedene, eine Anzahl von, eine Menge von

Opposite of One in Portuguese

Oposto de Um:
nenhum, zero, dois, múltiplo, misto, muitos, numeroso, numeroso, muito, variado, um número de, uma quantidade de

Opposite of One in Russian

Противоположность One:
нет, ноль, два, несколько, смешанный, много, многочисленный, несколько, много, разнообразный, ряд, количество

Opposite of One in Hungarian

Az Egy ellentéte:
többszörös, vegyes, sok, számos, számos, több, sok, sok, különböző, számos, sok, sokféle, számos, mennyiségű

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