Rule Of Law vs Justice


negative, denying, negatory, dissentient, disavowing, contradictory, contrary, adverse

These two both come from the legal world but they are slightly different.

[Tweet “The rule of law is the group of general principles that people follow as part of a society or country.”]

The rule of law is the group of general principles that people follow as part of a society or country. The police are supposed to enforce the rule of law and make sure that citizens are safe and secure in their own society.

  • Without clear legislation, it could be more difficult to uphold the rule of law.

[Tweet “Justice is the process of righting a wrong and making things right.”]

Justice is the process of righting a wrong and making things right. Often, people that prosecute criminals say that they are pursuing justice and working to bring people to justice. Justice is the supposed result of the rule of law.

  • She knew that he had committed a crime against her and she wanted justice.


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