25 Collocations with Go: Go ahead, Go on, Go in, Go ahead, Go back, Go Green


In this article, we will discuss collocations with the word go. The word GO is often used with prepositions to give further meaning as a collocation, the meaning can be quite clear sometimes, but we have added some descriptions to help you where it isn’t.

Collocations with Go with Prepositions

If you understand the preposition, most of these are easily understood. However, we have included descriptions of the ones that are a little more detailed.

  • Go ahead
  • Go on
  • Go in
  • Go ahead
  • Go back
  • Go up there

We use this collocation when we are talking about another place we will go visit that is in a direction above where we are.

  • I haven’t been to New York yet, but I am planning to go up there next spring.
  • Your bag is upstairs; I will go up there and get it for you.

Go down there

We use this collocation when we are talking about another place we will go that is in a direction below where we are.

  • I like the weather in Florida during the winter; I think I will go down there this year.
  • I can hear my cell phone ringing downstairs, can you go down there and get it for me?

Go on through

Used to verbally invite someone to pass through an entrance into a place.

  • Welcome to my party! Please, go on through, everyone is inside.

Go out there

This collocation has a more figurative meaning; it can be used to refer to the sea, an audience of some type or another thing that is big.

  • The sea is very rough today; I wouldn’t go out there!
  • This is your concert, now go out there and sing your best!
  • There is a lot of competition in the market for smartphones, so go out there and do your best to show people how ours is different.

Go over there

Similar to go up there or go down there, it refers to a place in any general direction.

  • I forgot my work at the office; I will have to go over there and retrieve it.
  • The flowers are ready to be picked up from the florist, can you go over there and get them for me?

Go from there

Again this collocation is about a place but used to describe the verb go in the future.

  • After we stay in Rome, we will go from there to Venice.
  • Where will you go from there?

Unique Collocations with Go

Go check / go look

To review or examine something.

  • I think the cake has finished baking, let me go check.
  • Is someone at the front door? Can you go look for me?

Go home

Usually said in a statement about the person or as an order to someone.

  • I am going to go home now.
  • Go home, Tom!

Let’s go.

Used as a statement for when you leave a place.

  • The movie has finished, let’s go.

Go see

To explore or investigate.

  • What was that noise? I’ll go see.

Go figure

An expression used when you find something to be incredible, amazing.

  • It was unbelievable how the magician made the rabbit disappear, go figure!

Go Green

This collocation has become popular in recent years because it means to become more environmentally friendly by doing things like recycling.

  • I just bought a new electric car because I want to go green.

Go crazy / Go mad

An expression used for when a person becomes very angry or hysterical about something.

  • Did you see how angry she became, I have never seen her go crazy/mad like that!

Go get ‘em (go get them)

A common collocation, expression, to use in sports and to motivate a person to do well.

  • It’s your turn to kick the ball. Go get ‘em!

Go through me

A threat of violence by one person if the other person does something the first person doesn’t like.

  • If you want to steal my money, you will have to go through me.

Go to hell

In many countries, the word hell is considered to be a profanity or swear word. Many religious, especially Christian religions believe hell to be where bad people go to be tormented forever once they die. Therefore, many people use this expression when they want to insult someone else.

  • My boss got so angry with the customer he told him to go to hell!

Go astray

When someone makes a mistake or literally goes in the wrong direction, we can use this collocation.

  • It was sad to see him go astray when he started taking drugs.
  • Follow the map, so you don’t go astray. 

Go bankrupt

Use this collocation as an expression or description about when a person loses all of their money or is at risk of losing all of their money.

  • If you keep buying expensive things, I will go bankrupt.
  • We are going to go bankrupt unless we can make more money.

Go online

To use the internet.

  • Let’s go online to find a place we can go on vacation.

Whose go is it?

We use this question when asking whose turn it is to play a game.

  • Ok, I have finished my turn, whose go is it?

Native English speakers use the word GO almost daily. Try using some of these collocations in your everyday speech and learn how it can go into virtually any sentence.

Can you think of any other collocations using the word go? Let us know with a comment! Our website has many other articles with different collocations, why not go check them out?

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