What’s a forum?


A forum is a place (whether online or in person) where people can go to share ideas, exchanges thoughts, ask questions, and help each other out. Forums are increasingly popular especially online, because they allow people to discuss certain topics that may help someone answer a specific topic. You can get a lot of feedback about your question or topic if you ask it in the right place and in the right way.


One of the most popular forum websites is Reddit. There are hundreds of thousands of people that visit the website each day, and they can go directly to the topic or subtopic that they want to know more about. They can either post their own questions or read through the questions of other people, and contribute their answers. The idea is to get an exchange, so people can agree or disagree with each other, and talk about why.


There are lots of reasons that you might want to join and/ or use a forum. Some of the most important are that the nature of a forum is centered around questions. Whether you ask, answer, or just read questions, you can share and gain very specific knowledge about something. A topic that I recently used a forum for is, for example, getting a visa to a certain country.

Because the process is different for every person, it is helpful to get the opinions of people who have had an experience similar to yours. For me, I could read the different websites that other citizens of my country used to help them get the visa, and what I could expect to do when I arrived at the customs desk in the airport when I landed. It would be hard for me to find that information just by searching for a post online somewhere.


In fact, this is a forum as well! If you have any questions about English, whether it is just improving your vocabulary, listening skills, test scores, or even learning about a culture in an English speaking country, you can ask! And then, someone who has an answer or the experience that you are asking about can help give you some advice.

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