Postpone TO, FOR, UNTIL, AFTER, BY 🤓✅


As you have probably figured out by now, prepositions in English can be tricky and can change the entire meaning of the sentence.

Postpone TO or FOR

Therefore, you need to be careful when using prepositions especially with verbs like postpone as postpone to” and postpone for” for example have completely different meanings.

Let’s have a look at examples of postpone with different prepositions and see how the preposition can change the meaning of the sentence.

  • We will have to postpone the meeting for a few days until the manager is feeling better and can attend the meeting.

This sentence means that the meeting is adjourned until the manager can make it into the office and be present at the meeting.

If you said we will have to postpone the meeting to Monday you are saying that the meeting will take place on Monday instead of today.

How to Pronounce Postpone?

Postpone TO or UNTIL

  • The referee decided that the match should be postponed until the thunderstorm cleared and the weather conditions improved.

Postpone TO AFTER

The players and the fans will have to wait for the weather to improve before they can play the match, they will have to wait for something to happen before that can start the match.

If you said the referee decided to postpone the match to Sunday this means that the match has been rescheduled and will be played on Sunday.

To Postpone BY AND HOUR

As you can see from the examples above when we use the preposition to we are referring to a certain time or a specific.

The preposition by allows us to say how long the event will be postponed or delayed for.

  • The flight attendant told the passengers that the flight will be postponed by an hour. (The passengers will have to wait another hour until the plane departs from the airport.)
  • The play was postponed by 15 minutes as one of the actors was feeling ill.
  • The match was postponed by two days due to the poor weather conditions.
  • The meeting was postponed by a few hours while they waited for the manager to arrive.

Postpone AFTER

The preposition after allows us to refer to a situation that occurred in the past that forced the event to be postponed.

  • The president’s speech was postponed after a bomb scare in the city centre.

Postpone For or Postpone To in Spanish

Veamos ejemplos de posponer con diferentes preposiciones y veamos cómo la preposición puede cambiar el significado de la frase.

Posponer EJEMPLO

Tendremos que posponer la reunión unos días hasta que el gerente se sienta mejor y pueda asistir a la reunión.

Esta frase significa que la reunión se aplaza hasta que el gerente pueda llegar a la oficina y estar presente en la reunión.

Si ha dicho que tendremos que posponer la reunión al lunes, está diciendo que la reunión tendrá lugar el lunes en lugar de hoy.

Postpone For or Postpone To in French

Voyons des exemples de postpone avec différentes prépositions et voyons comment la préposition peut changer le sens de la phrase.

Remettre à plus tard EXEMPLE

Nous devons reporter la réunion de quelques jours jusqu’à ce que le directeur se sente mieux et puisse participer à la réunion.

Cette phrase signifie que la réunion est ajournée jusqu’à ce que le directeur puisse se rendre au bureau et être présent à la réunion.

Si vous avez dit que nous devrons reporter la réunion à lundi, vous dites que la réunion aura lieu lundi au lieu d’aujourd’hui.

Postpone For or Postpone To in Italian

Diamo un’occhiata agli esempi di posticipare con diverse preposizioni e vediamo come la preposizione può cambiare il significato della frase.

ESEMPIO di rinvio

Dovremo rimandare la riunione per qualche giorno finché il manager non si sentirà meglio e potrà partecipare alla riunione.

Questa frase significa che la riunione è rinviata fino a quando il manager non potrà andare in ufficio ed essere presente alla riunione.

Se hai detto che dovremo rimandare la riunione a lunedì, stai dicendo che la riunione si terrà lunedì invece che oggi.

Postpone For or Postpone To in German

Schauen wir uns Beispiele für postpone mit verschiedenen Präpositionen an und sehen wir, wie die Präposition die Bedeutung des Satzes verändern kann.


Wir müssen die Besprechung um ein paar Tage verschieben, bis es dem Manager besser geht und er an der Besprechung teilnehmen kann.

Dieser Satz bedeutet, dass die Besprechung vertagt wird, bis der Manager es ins Büro schafft und bei der Besprechung anwesend sein kann.

Wenn Sie sagen, dass wir die Besprechung auf Montag verschieben müssen, sagen Sie, dass die Besprechung am Montag statt heute stattfinden wird.

Postpone For or Postpone To in Portuguese

Vamos ver exemplos de adiamento com diferentes preposições e ver como a preposição pode alterar o significado da frase.

EXEMPLO DE Adiamento

Teremos de adiar a reunião por alguns dias até que o gestor se sinta melhor e possa assistir à reunião.

Esta frase significa que a reunião é adiada até que o gestor possa chegar ao escritório e estar presente na reunião.

Se disse que teremos de adiar a reunião para segunda-feira, está a dizer que a reunião terá lugar na segunda-feira em vez de hoje.

Postpone For or Postpone To in Russian

Давайте посмотрим на примеры postpone с различными предлогами и увидим, как предлог может изменить смысл предложения.

Отложить ПРИМЕР

Нам придется отложить встречу на несколько дней, пока менеджер не почувствует себя лучше и не сможет присутствовать на встрече.

Это предложение означает, что собрание откладывается до тех пор, пока менеджер не сможет прийти в офис и присутствовать на собрании.

Если же вы сказали, что нам придется перенести совещание на понедельник, вы хотите сказать, что совещание состоится в понедельник, а не сегодня.

Postpone For or Postpone To in Hungarian

Nézzük meg a postpone példáit különböző prepozíciókkal, és nézzük meg, hogyan változtatja meg a prepozíció a mondat jelentését.

Postpone PÉLDA

Néhány nappal el kell halasztanunk a megbeszélést, amíg a vezető jobban nem érzi magát, és nem tud részt venni a megbeszélésen.

Ez a mondat azt jelenti, hogy a megbeszélést elhalasztjuk, amíg a menedzser be nem tud menni az irodába, és jelen tud lenni a megbeszélésen.

Ha azt mondanád, hogy hétfőre kell halasztanunk a megbeszélést, akkor azt mondanád, hogy a megbeszélésre a mai nap helyett hétfőn kerül sor.

Postpone Definition. What does Postpone mean?

Learn English

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  2. How many prepositions are there and what are they?
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  6. Postpone Definition. What does Postpone mean?
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