What does Anti-aging mean? Foods that can help with aging.



Just as it sounds! Everyone wants to look younger and fight the forces of time.

Aging is when you get older and look older so something that is anti-aging does the opposite.

There are some foods that people think can make you younger inside and out. The effects can often be exaggerated by companies looking to sell their products but sometimes there are foods that can help with aging. Some examples include, olive oil, yoghurt, fish and even some chocolate!

The basic premise, however, is that if you eat healthy foods you will be likely to live for longer than if you didn’t.

But sorry everyone, this isn’t an excuse to go and eat chocolate for every meal!

Leon: Faye, why are you eating so much chocolate?

Faye: Haven’t you heard? Chocolate has anti-aging properties!

Leon: Faye, I’m not sure that’s exactly how it works…

Faye: Sure it is! I’ll keep eating and you’ll see me get younger.

Leon: Faye, give me the chocolate.

Don’t believe the hype with some products that are known as anti-aging. Always be skeptical before spending extra money on a gimmick!

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English Vocabulary Dictionary

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