Different Ways to Say Hi and Bye!


Ways to say Hello

Hi in EnglishHallo auf DeutschCiao in italianoПривет по-русски你好
Hey!Grüß dich!Salve!Эй!你好! 嗨!
Hi. How are you?Hallo. Wie geht’s?Ciao, come stai?Привет. Как ты?嗨,你好吗?
Good Morning!Guten Morgen!Buongiorno!Доброе утро!早晨好!
Good Afternoon!Guten Nachmittag!Buongiorno!Добрый день!晚上好!
Good Evening!Guten Abend!Buonasera!Добрый вечер!晚上好
Greetings!Grüß Gott!Saluti!Приветствую!你好!
Hi. My name is…Hallo. Mein Name ist…Salve. Mi chiamo…Привет. Меня зовут…嗨,我叫…
Hi beautiful!Hallo meine Hübsche!Ciao bella!Привет, красавица!嗨,美女!
Hi mom!Hallo Mama!Ciao mamma!Привет, мама!嗨,妈妈!
Hi handsome!Hallo Hübscher!Ciao bello!Привет, красавчик!帅哥你好!
Hi everyone!Hallo Leute!Ciao a tutti!Привет всем!大家好!
Hi there!Hallo, ihr beiden!Ciao a voi!Здорово!嗨,大家好!
Hi guys!Hallo, Jungs!Ciao ragazzi!Привет, ребята!嗨,大家好!
Hello my friend!Hallo, mein Freund!Ciao amico mio!Привет, друг мой!你好,我的朋友!
Hello my love!Hallo, meine Liebe!Ciao amore mio!Привет, любовь моя!你好,我的爱人!
Hello, nice to meet you!Hallo, schön, dich kennenzulernen!Ciao, piacere di conoscerti!Привет, приятно познакомиться!你好,很高兴认识你!
Hi, what’s up?Hallo, was ist los?Ciao, come va?Привет, как дела?嗨,你好吗?
Good morning sunshine!Guten Morgen, Sonnenschein!Buongiorno raggio di sole!Доброе утро, солнышко!早上好,阳光!
Hi, it’s me again!Hallo, ich bin’s wieder!Ciao, sono di nuovo io!Привет, это снова я!嗨,又是我!
Hey, did you have your first coffee already?Hey, hast du schon deinen ersten Kaffee getrunken?Ehi, hai già preso il tuo primo caffè?Эй, ты уже выпила свой первый кофе?嘿,你已经喝了第一杯咖啡了吗?
Happy Monday!Schönen Montag!Buon lunedì!С понедельником!周一快乐!
Say hi to Ana from me.Grüß Ana von mir.Saluta Ana da parte mia.Передавай от меня привет Анне.代我向安娜问好
Send Ana my love.Sag Ana liebe Grüße von mir.Manda ad Ana i miei saluti.Передай Анне мою любовь.代我向安娜问好
Tell Ana I send kisses.Sag Ana, ich schicke Küsse.Di’ ad Ana che le mando dei baci.Скажи Ане, что я посылаю поцелуи.告诉安娜我送吻。
Hi, it’s very nice to meet you.Hallo, es ist sehr schön, dich kennenzulernen.Ciao, è un piacere conoscerti.Привет, очень приятно познакомиться.嗨 很高兴见到你
Hi, I’ve heard great things about you.Hallo, ich habe tolle Sachen über dich gehört.Ciao, ho sentito grandi cose su di te.Привет, я слышал о тебе много хорошего.嗨 我听说了你的大名
Hi. Long time no see!Hi. Lange nicht gesehen!Ciao, è da tanto che non ci vediamo!Привет. Давно не виделись!嗨 好久不见
Hi! My house is your house.Hallo! Mein Haus ist dein Haus.Ciao! Casa mia è casa tua.Привет! Мой дом – твой дом.嗨 我的房子就是你的房子
Hello, where are you from?Hallo, wo kommst du her?Ciao, da dove vieni?Здравствуйте, откуда вы?你好,你从哪里来?
Tell her I said HiSag ihr, dass ich Hi gesagt habeDille che la salutoСкажи ей, что я передал привет.替我向她问好
Howdy (typically associated with people from the Southern United States)Howdy (typisch für Leute aus den Südstaaten der USA)Howdy (tipicamente associato a persone provenienti dal sud degli Stati Uniti)Howdy (обычно ассоциируется с людьми из южных Соединенных Штатов)你好(通常与美国南方人有关)
How are things?Wie läuft’s?Come vanno le cose?Как дела?你好吗?
How do you do?Wie geht es Ihnen?Piacere di conoscervi.Как поживаете?你是怎么做的?


This is a casual ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’. It’s short, simple and you can say it to anyone. A friend, a family member, a coworker. Really to anyone.


‘Hey’ is a very informal way to greet someone. Say it to your close friends and family members. Use ‘Hey’ also to get someone’s attention.

Hi. How are you?

‘Hi. How are you?’ is a casual way to say hi to anyone you meet during the day. Asking how they are or how they feel makes the greeting even more friendly.

Good Morning!

‘Good Morning!’ is a phrase you will normally use in the mornings with your loved ones and friends, or coworkers.

Good Afternoon!

‘Good Afternoon!’ is a greeting to use after 12:00 am. It is both formal and informal.

Good Evening!

Use ‘Good Evening!’ greeting after 18:00 pm. It sounds good in formal and informal conversations.


‘Greetings!’ is more formal. Plus you can use ¡Saludos! to greet many people at once.

Hi. My name is…

Use ‘Hi. My name is…’ in informal situations. When you want to get to know someone. For example in a coffee house.

Hello, beautiful

‘Hello, beautiful.’ We would use this to greet someone we are romantically involved in. It’s a very forward expression where you admire someone’s beauty. So we don’t use it casually and with people we don’t know. Unless you’re trying to be flirty.

Hi mom

‘Hi mom’ is a casual greeting for your mother. Very informal and most often used when you’re not at the same place as your mother. Maybe talking over the phone. 

Hi handsome

‘Hi handsome’ is very similar to ‘Hello beautiful,’ but it’s specific because we say it to men. Men, women, and trans people can be beautiful, but in general, men are considered handsome. It’s used when you’re familiar with someone, involved with them, or when you’re being flirty. 

Hello everyone

This means ‘Hello everyone.’ It’s a very casual greeting for multiple people. We use it commonly when you enter a full room, or when you’re having an online call with multiple people. A simple way to greet every person you’re talking to without singling anyone out.

Hi there

‘Hi there’ is one of the most casual ways of greeting someone. It doesn’t describe any prior relationship specifically. So it can be used to greet anyone, from a friend you’ve seen many times, to someone you’ve only just met. 

Hi guys

This means “Hi guys,’ but it doesn’t refer to men in particular. It’s also very casual, so it can mean a group of people. Since it’s usual to refer to a group of people as ‘guys’ simply because of popular culture, you can use it to greet any group of people, men or mixed. If you want to be specific you can use to greet a group of male friends, or men you are familiar with.

Hello my friend

‘Hello my friend,’ is a way to say Hi to someone you know closely. We use it to greet our friends, and not someone you just met. It’s a fairly intimate greeting that is reserved for those close to you.

Hello my love

This means ‘Hello my love,’ and it’s a very specific greeting for someone you love. We say Hi this way to someone we are romantically involved with. This is the most common use. However, you can also use it for a very close friend, or best friend. Love can mean many things, so some people use it to say Hi to a friend they love most in life. 

Hello, nice to meet you

‘Hello, nice to meet you,’ is a way to say hi to someone you just met. You don’t know this person from before, so in order to be polite and nice you say that it’s nice to meet them. It’s good for any situation where you’re meeting a new person.

Hi, what’s up

‘Hi, what’s up,’ is a very casual greeting. We use it to say Hi to anyone we know from before. It can be just one person, or a group of people. Use it in any occasion where the atmosphere is comfortable, and you know all or most of the people you’re greeting. 

Good morning sunshine

This means ‘Good morning sunshine,’ and we use it to greet someone in the morning. However, we don’t use it with everyone. ‘Sunshine’ is reserved for people you are close to, either as friends, relatives, or someone you are romantically involved with.

Hi, it’s me again

‘Hi, it’s me again,’ is a very common way to greet someone you’re seeing for the second time, or multiple times in a row. It can be used in any situation like that. Like when you’re entering a shop again, or calling someone you just talked to earlier. It’s pretty informal, so you wouldn’t use it a work as much.

Hey, did you have your first coffee already?

‘Hey, did you have your first coffee already?’ is a way to greet someone you’re familiar with. It’s not just a question, but also in some situations an invitation. You would use it when you want to have a coffee with that person, so you’re asking them if they already had one. Any occasion is good, but make sure there’s some way you can grab a coffee in case the person you’re asking wants one.

Happy Monday

‘Happy Monday,’ is a fairly uncommon way of saying Hi to someone. It means you are very happy about the day, and you want to make that clear. You can use it to wish someone a ‘Happy Monday,’ but it also means that you hope their week goes well too. Since Monday is the start of the week, and if it goes well maybe the rest will too. 

Say hi to Ana for me

‘Say hi to Ana for me,’ is a greeting request. You can use it with any name, but you are asking a person to say hi to someone else for you. You would use it when you’re not sure if you’ll see that person, but you know someone else will. 

Send Ana my love

‘Send Ana my love,’ is also a greeting request. It’s a very personal one, since you’re asking someone to convey your feelings to that person. This means that you are very close with them, but you’re not sure if you’ll see them soon. 

Tell Ana I send kisses

‘Tell Ana I send kisses,’ is very similar to ‘Send Ana my love.’ It’s a greeting request that is very personal and emotional. Since you are close to this person you want them to know you’re thinking of them. This can be for a very close friend, or significant other.

Hi, it’s very nice to meet you

‘Hi, it’s very nice to meet you,’ is a bit more formal than ‘Hi, nice to meet you.’ Here you’re being extra polite and friendly, so it’s a bit more formal. You can use it when introducing yourself to someone new from work, a client, or in general someone you’re doing business with. It can also be used when meeting a blind date, or a friend of a friend. 

Hi, I’ve heard great things about you

This means ‘Hi, I’ve heard great things about you,’ and it’s a very versatile way of saying Hi. We use it when we’re meeting someone we have heard of before. It can be formal or informal, so you can use it on any occasion. It’s just used when you are meeting someone for the first time, and you want to make sure the person knows you have already heard good things about them.

Hi. Long time no see

‘Hi. Long time no see’ is a way of saying Hi to someone you know, but haven’t seen in a while. It’s a casual greeting, so use it when you’re familiar with someone. It can be anyone you know, not just friends or family.

Hi. My house is your house

“Hi. My house is your house,’ is a casual greeting for a person, or people, who are coming to your house or apartment. It’s an invitation, and it means that you want your guest or guests to feel comfortable. Just like if they are in their own house. 

Hello, where are you from?

‘Hello, where are you from?’ is something you ask a person you’ve just met. It’s a very common way of saying Hi when you’re traveling. If you want to get to know a person it’s one of the first questions you can ask.

Tell her I said hi

‘Tell her I said hi,’ is another greeting request. It’s very casual because you’re just asking someone to say Hi to someone else in your name. There aren’t many emotions behind it, just a casual greeting to let someone know they’re on your mind.

Ways to say Bye

Bye in EnglishTschüss auf DeutschCiao in ItalianoПока по-русски
Goodbye!Auf Wiedersehen!Arrivederci!До свидания!
See you soon!Wir sehen uns bald wieder!A presto!Скоро увидимся!
I leave nowIch gehe jetzt.Me ne vado subito.Я пошла.
See you later! Wir sehen uns später!A dopo!Увидимся!
Bye, Have a good day! Tschüss, schönen Tag!Ciao, buona giornata!Пока, всего хорошего!
Take care! Passt auf euch auf!Stammi bene!Береги себя!
God bless you!Gott segne euch!Dio vi benedica!Да благословит тебя Бог!
I am out of here.Ich bin dann mal weg.Me ne vado.Я ухожу.
Good night!Gute Nacht!Buonanotte!Спокойной ночи!
Farewell!Lebt wohl!Addio!Прощай!
Let’s keep in touch!Bleiben wir in Kontakt!Teniamoci in contatto!Будем на связи!
See you tomorrow!Wir sehen uns morgen!A domani!Увидимся завтра!


This can mean ‘Goodbye,’ or the shortened version ‘Bye.’ ‘Goodbye’ is a bit more formal, and you can use it with someone you know maybe only professionally. ‘Bye’ is more informal and casual, meant for people you are already familiar with. 

See you soon

‘See you soon’ is a good way of saying Bye to someone you see fairly regularly. It’s casual, not informal or formal. We use to say Bye to someone we either see often, or want to see often. You can use it in any situation.

I’m leaving now

‘I’m leaving now’ is a way to say announce that you are leaving. It’s common and casual, used in any situation. We use it to make sure the person or people you are talking to know you have to leave. 

See you later

This means ‘See you later,’ and it’s similar to ‘See you soon.’ However, it’s more informal. You can use this when saying Bye to someone you know. It can mean that you are going to see them soon during the same day, or that you want to see them as soon as possible. It’s commonly used among friends.

Bye, and have a good day

‘Bye, and have a good day’ is a fairly formal way of saying Bye. It can be used in business meetings, formal dinners, or when you’re saying Bye to someone you know professionally. You wouldn’t generally use it with someone you are close to.

Take care

This means ‘Take care,’ and is a very casual way of saying Bye. It’s commonly used and can be used with everyone. It tells the person you wish them well, and it’s good in any situation. 

God bless you

‘God bless you’ is a religious way of saying Bye. This means that you would use it when talking to someone who is religious, or if you are. It’s a way of saying that you hope God watches over them when they leave. It’s good for any situation, as long as the people involved are religious.

I am out of here

‘I am out of here’ is very informal. It’s usually used when talking to friends. It’s a casual way of saying that you are leaving the place. Because it’s so informal and casual it’s best used with people you know well.

Good night

This means ‘Good night,’ and it’s very common. This can be used with anyone, anywhere, as long as it’s night. There is no special occasion or situation where you can’t use it. Well, except when it’s morning or afternoon. 


‘Farewell’ is a very special way of saying Bye. It means that you’re not sure if you will see this person again. ‘Farewell’ is meant to say you with the person safe travels, and that you hope they are well in life after they leave. It’s like a goodbye but for an indefinite amount of time. 

Let’s keep in touch

‘Let’s keep in touch’ is also used in a specific case. This is like saying Bye with ‘Farewell,’ but you want to know how the person is doing after they leave. You don’t know if you will see them again, but you want to know how they are doing regardless.


‘Ciao’ comes from Italian, and it’s used in many languages across the world in the same form. It’s a very casual and informal way of saying Bye. You can use it in any situation, as long as you’re familiar with the person. 

See you tomorrow

‘See you tomorrow’ is a way of saying Bye to someone you know you will see the next day. It’s fairly informal, so don’t use it with your boss, but it’s okay with friends or co-workers. Any situation is fine, from work all the way to a bar.

Some informal ways to say hello:

  • How are you?
  • What’s up?
  • What’s going on?
  • How are things?
  • Hey!
  • Hi.
  • Howdy
  • Hiya

Some more formal ways to say hello:

  • Greetings!
  • Good Morning
  • Good afternoon
  • Good evening
  • How do you do?

You could also give someone a polite nod, a smile, or a small wave of your hand.

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